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The following article was published in our article directory on November 12, 2014.
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Inspired Content Spinning

Article Category: Writing

Author Name: Rick daCosta

This article concludes my series of essays on the use of content spinning software. The series will only be complete when I make these acknowledgements.

I acknowledge the justified concern of legal minds who might argue these monologues to be a defence of plagiarism.

I acknowledge other critics of my position elaborated in the three preceding blogs. Some critics will reject any idea of substituting one drop of human intellectual energy in the noble task of producing original website content.

They view writing as a project in which an author crafts an original piece of prose. It is an undertaking in which the textual articulation of the author's innermost ideas are exposed. Original content is the publication of secrets we alone knew previously.

Such website content is original because this is the first time the content is simultaneously expressed and exposed to others in digital, visual or physical form.

But this is not the history of how mankind has interacted with technology. As a sentient species we have the great fortune, and responsibility, to harness these products of scientific enquiry. We do so for the general betterment of society.

This process has allowed us to replace repetitive elements of workplace endeavours. This technological process has replaced both physical and intellectual human effort with machine-based alternatives.

For this reason I don't readily cede ground to critics of my defence of responsible content spinning.

Critics must offer overriding considerations that expose flaws in my reasoning. They must set out compelling counter-arguments that I've omitted through ignorance or carelessness. Otherwise I remain firm in my position. – That original text can be, and is produced by responsible authors by integrating spinning software with their writing activities.

What then is my suggestion to reconcile my argument with that of critics? We need a guiding principle that assuages those who would claim I am merely proposing, and admitting to, the use of stolen ideas. – I covered that point earlier in this blog series when my justification of the text spinning process was enunciated.

So let's go directly to the solution. Authors, like me, who spin content for website building, justify it as a rational and defensible activity. Mainly because it speeds up production of original web content. Also we treat spun content as raw material. We spin content and it enters into intellectual production.

It is the feedstock in a fairly ordinary intellectual process. The process results in original expressions of human thought. We do not diminish its validity or its popular appeal if we acknowledge related sources of inspiration. Clearly the works of others are such inspiration. Those sources of inspiration are raw material, – the stock that feeds our intellectual machinery, our curiosity, our creativity.

Exposure to the ideas of others, is invariably the feedstock for my brain, the grist that fuels my efforts at critical thinking. By volume and quality the lion's share of this intellectual raw material is the output of others. It precipitates and stimulates my own internal deliberations. What I conclude and commit to writing is my intellectual output, my intellectual property.

I am happy to refer to the provenance of these ideas, in whatever fashion they were publicly articulated. They may have been in the form of web articles, print magazines, journals, website content, (original or otherwise), news feeds, novels, histories and biographies.

How many years ago did those impress me? Are they long-forgotten seeds that are only now germinating? How long must it take for my critical faculties to spawn a written opinion which I can legitimately claim as my original content?

In no way do I want to defend or promote plagiarism. Obviously the attribution must stop somewhere. Arguably, all authors are mere synthesizers. They absorb a diverse collectivity of views. It may have taken a significant lifetime for the author to gain that exposure. Successful authors are better than others at this literate process of synthesis.

They have internalised the incoming intellectual feedstock, then externalized it as their own original ideas, views, opinions, musings, After a mental mash-up of critical-thought and written expression, their original content will thrill or displease their audiences.

But this seems to be the way society has generally treated published material. It has always been that we rely on the integrity of the author to act responsibly and legally. – "Credit where credit is due" and warranted. This principle guides citations and referencing.

Acknowledgements are made on the frontispiece of print material. Film credits can run on and on; so too in other works of intellectual merit. This behaviour should guide how we write original web content.

Authors must continue to be guided by this same enduring principle. Society can rely on digital technologies to expose intellectual dishonesty in website content that claims to be "original conent" when it is not.

About the Author: Rick daCosta blogs about Technology In Education. His post(#4 of 4) advocates efficiencies in intellectual output. Automated Content Production by web authors, Add to the discussion at his website

Keywords: content spinning, original content, plagiarism, spinning software

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