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The following article was published in our article directory on November 5, 2014.
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Ebola, a closer look at how it spreads

Article Category: Self Help

Author Name: Scott P McKay

If you were to ask a relative, "how easy is it to catch Ebola?" you would probably hear all kinds of different explanations that your head just may start to spin. From news outlets to the doctors themselves we continue to hear different stories about whether or not Ebola can be easily contracted from one person to another. And the longer we study each strand of Ebola the more it seems to mutate into another strand that behaves differently from the last. All while the world waits for a scientifically proven explanation as to how easy it is to get Ebola, and what we should do to protect ourselves from it.

Even the Centers for Disease Control, CDC, has changed its stance when it comes to what you have to do in order to get Ebola from someone who is infected with it. Just recently, the CDC retracted information it had posted on their website about how a virus like Ebola cannot be spread by coughs and sneezes. Prior to last week we had been told that you cannot catch the virus through coughs and sneezes, but recent evidence suggests that it is possible. And who really wants to chance it when it comes to a disease that so far is killing around 50% of the people it infects?

Yes it may be extremely difficult to catch under normal circumstances, but general precautions should be taken if you live near an area where someone who has had Ebola has visited recently. It was only very recently that travel precautions were put into place, so we are talking about a wide area of potential hot spots. It's disaster preparedness 101. Just think about it, one day you are at the grocery store standing in line behind someone who clearly has a cold of some sort. As they are paying the cashier they sneeze and some of their mucus lands on the counter. They pack their cart and leave. Then as you are waiting to pay for your items you lean up against the counter and rest your hands on it. Your eye then starts to itch uncontrollably so you scratch it with the same hand that was resting on that contaminated counter. Now if that person was infected with Ebola your risk of getting it would be very high, right?

That story would make anyone think that when it comes down to it, it really isn't that hard to catch Ebola is it? Yet we still continue to hear time and time again how we shouldn't be concerned with the current Ebola outbreak because it is so hard to contract from another person. Maybe it is finally time for the Government and CDC to just come right out and tell everyone that we should all be concerned about the current situation. That they don't seem to have everything under control, and we should be taking further precautions personally in order to be prepared for this potential disaster we are facing. The government, the CDC, the very institutions we are supposed to trust to keep Americans safe in the event of a pandemic situation don't seem to have their information together. We all should be thinking to ourselves about having our own disaster preparedness plan in place in the event that things do get out of control real fast....because if things get out of control the only people we can rely on is ourselves.

Here are just a few of the most basic precautions you can take if you are anywhere remotely close to someone that has Ebola:

• When at home wash your hands frequently with antimicrobial soap and warm water. When traveling use an alcohol based hand sanitizer if soap and water is unavailable.

• Avoid touching your face (eyes, nose, or mouth) when in any public setting.

• Stay away from any items that an infected person may have touched.

• Avoid traveling to densely populated areas as much as possible.

• Get medical help immediately if you are experiencing the following symptoms:
1. Headaches
2. Fever
3. Vomiting
4. Diarrhea
5. Stomach Pain
6. Muscle Pain
7. Unexplained bleeding or bruising

About the Author: Scott P McKay is an expert in the field of disaster preparedness. To find out everything you need to know about how to create your very own disaster preparedness plan, visit his website at

Keywords: ebola, how ebola spreads, disaster preparedness plan, disaster preparedness

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