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The following article was published in our article directory on October 30, 2014.
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Spinning Text Responsibly

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Rick daCosta

In my last blog post, we reviewed the process of original thinking. We also investigated how that effort MAY result in the production of Intellectual Property. How do we use these observations to guide us in an intellectually valid use of spinning software? How is the spin tool ethically used in processing text we have personally produced, or which was published by others.

Specifically I try to answer this question. How can we automatically produce text that reflects our OWN INTELLECTUAL CAPACITIES despite using �spinners� AT POINTS IN THE PROCESS?

Let�s be comfortable attaching the common, often uncomplimentary use of the term �spinning�. Spinners �write� reformulated versions of previously written textual content. These tools provide results over a wide range of competency. The programs that recast and replace vocabulary, restructure sentences, parse syntax and draw in textual material in real-time are popularly called Content Spinning software. Used slavishly these tools can make a dog�s breakfast of otherwise pristine intellectual efforts! With this in mind, let�s proceed.

The use of spin programs must always be subject to our intellectual capacity. Otherwise they do not achieve desired inefficiencies in generating interesting and original content, whatever the context. Consistent with the preceding posts in this category, this piece is flowing directly from my mind. My words are being set down right out of my intellectual repository of thoughts, ideas and argumentation. They�re imperfect, but it�s MY Intellectual Property as I claim author�s rights over the original thoughts EXPRESSED on this page. I make the same claim over all other statements that I commit to publication. Obviously I want these posts to be available for ANYONE ELSE to read and assess. Even to use in formulating their own thoughts.

But if I merely SPEAK IT out of professional context, others can freely repeat or report what I say if they heard what I said. (Except if I am broadcasting professionally). If they do that often enough, then through time it becomes lore, and I become an Urban Legend.

But when I WRITE and EXPOSE it, in law it becomes mine � my Intellectual Property. I�m not a lawyer, so this may run into a flurry of attorney�s objections. Some arcane cases may well put my assertions here in jeopardy. But this is just how it has seemed to me for years. The invasion of the publishing arena by modern tools was noted in my initial post in this category. It�s caused me to review and change my opinion on the use of spinning software.

I�m straying! Back to my practical concern with automatically generated textual content. These software tools extend our intellectual capacity in important ways. Authors writing for an income, even for their educational development, there are two economic advantages.

The first advantage is that scattered ideas are admixed from digital sources. These mix in our brain, our on-board processor, and in our data-bank of ideas gleaned from others. These ideas and musings from various media, will have impressed themselves on our consciousness while we explored our current topic of interest.

In the pre-Information Age a researcher, essayist, or student would have kept handwritten notes for the same reason on small cue-cards. Today�s tools emanate from technology spawned by the Information Age. These programs have made those former �research� methods obsolete. They are still used, I know, but that doesn�t mean they aren�t obsolete. Informatics have transformed data collection. So too have the spinning tools that recast digitally accessible information.

Moreover we can subject the collected ideas of OTHERS� to INITIAL machine reformulation by content spinning software. In the process my creative juices as wordsmith become energized. I dive in and the whole presentation is reformed, in fact transformed. My observation is that the same stimulus is felt by other writers who use content spinners responsibly.

The text that is ultimately generated reflects and EXPRESSES AN ORIGINAL and UNIQUE view. My view, which I stand behind, and claim as mine. It must portray to my satisfaction, MY EXPRESSION of the realities, issues, events, in which I have invested time and Intellectual Processes. This property is mine and I must be proud of it. Tools exist to ensure that the written output is 100% free of plagiarism. Otherwise why subject myself to the cerebral discipline demanded?

The takeaway then is that automated textual production makes me more productive in the output of ORIGINAL ideas. My written content is produced faster. Definitely the quantitative improvement in my output is not fractional, it is sizable. The quality and authenticity is my responsibility. You can pay for Copyscape and use free alternatives to make sure you write clean content. These software tools let�s you know if your content-spinner tool is helping you produce 100% original and Clean Content.

the second advantage is even more important in business terms. For a blogger or other content writer for commercial website(s) there is a pressure to achieve widespread distribution. In a world dominated by trending tweets and eternally-breaking news all publishers want copy that is unique. They want copy which is an ORIGINAL version of some news story that someone else may have already published. Today publishers are short on journalists and editors.

This is where the text robots really spin a happy tune. The author can spin hundreds of differentiated versions of THEIR OWN ORIGINAL thoughts. Using spin distribution tools they can issue multiple unique versions simultaneously of their intellectual and widen their distribution. They retain Property Rights over all their re-written work, even when spun in hundreds of original versions.

Their EXPRESSIONS of thought, their original content, in each of its many versions is the author�s property. If it interests others and publishers incorporate the content in their media, authors benefit commercially. This is a multiplier advantage that comes from spinning the author�s one original piece of written content.

About the Author: Rick daCosta is Prof & life-long learner, School of Business & Hospitality, Niagara College. He blogs, often provocatively on related policies & tweets @AVAXAVA about social, political & international issues. This essay series at

Keywords: spinning content, word spinning, responsible word spinning , avoid plagiarism,

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