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The following article was published in our article directory on September 11, 2014.
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Trends of 2014

Article Category: Arts and Crafts

Author Name: Celina Moy

The year 2014 is the grandest year for social media. It is an unlikely year for the fashion industry because of the rise of liking for DIY jewelry like loom bands. It has also promoted a whole lot of crazy. People took on these trends so fast that it easily became worldwide trend.
This year has yet to end and the crazy has yet to past. But we will countdown the top three trends that shape the 2014 thus far.
This trend we all confess to do: Selfie taking. Selfies have become a major tend this year. It has received numerous criticisms from psychologists to socialists alike, calling it the new disease of the generation. However, it did not stop the millennials to post selfies all over their social media accounts. Celebrities of all ages and genders even posted their own selfies over the internet as their mark of endorsement and support to this new found medium of self expression.
Another trend that hit this year is Food pornography. Gluttony has earned its place as one of the seven sins mankind can commit. Simply put, over indulgence of food is considered wrong or immoral. However, nowadays, people take pleasure in viewing and posting food all over the World Wide Web. It has become a worldwide and universal guilty pleasure for everyone. Foodies and Gourmands note that it is only another way for people to share and express their passion. It is also a means to share and circulate recipes all over the world.
Lastly, the most popular trend to hit this year is the loom bands craze. It is a fashion statement and a new toy obsession for all ages. Loom bands are widely worn all over the world. It has been a fashion staple of both the young and mature people. Fashion magazines have countless of times featured celebrities wearing loom bands as bracelets. Even high fashion magazines support this craze because of its wide range of design and artistic shapes. The rainbow colored loom bands attract the younger generation the most. It is no wonder these rubber bands are widely discussed over online forums, debating over the significance of this latest craze.
The rebuttal from enthusiasts claim that these bands promote children's creativity and innovation. The older ones on the other hand uses loom bands as bracelets and charms to rebel against uniformity in workplace and other social standards. This trend is broadly accepted and fashioned all over the world despite the numerous questions it has received over its significance. But the answer is simple, it has become a hobby for a lot of people, an activity that stimulates the mind and releases stress.
Just like the other trends that passed, these fads will eventually fade out and go. Selfies will eventually be deleted but the loom band craze is proving that it can go beyond being a trend and will place itself on classic crafts and hobby industry. For the time being, it is helping people express their selves and their passions. It is helping express their identities. Ultimately, it represents the freedom to be creative even if it does not make sense to some people.

About the Author: Celina Moy is an expert when it comes to educational toys, arts and crafts and games. To find out everything about JC Loom bands, visit her website at WWW.STEELROY.COM.

Keywords: Loom bands, toys, rainbow loom, rubber bands, bangles, bracelets, charms, diy jewellery, design

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