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The following article was published in our article directory on August 20, 2014.
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Know How To Cut Yourself Loose From a Life--Threatening Predicament

Article Category: Automotive

Author Name: Adam Tayma

Wearing seatbelts have saved many lives in countless road accidents. The three-point seatbelt was a revolutionary design that prevented the human body from flying through the windshield when travelling at high velocity. It keeps the torso flat against the back of the seat preventing serious head and chest injury. The design was meant to keep the body stationary during travel preventing unnecessary body movement and keeping it secure and relatively immobile. Being secured at the hip prevented the body from sliding forward which would happen if only a two-point seatbelt were used.

Sometimes though, the very safety device designed to save lives during an accident can be the very thing that may endanger a life, for example, during a vehicular accident when a car becomes immersed in water. If the seatbelt becomes jammed then the driver and/or passengers will not be able to exit the vehicle. They could become trapped and will be in danger of drowning. Having a seat belt cutter would be very useful. A knife or other such cutting tool would also do the trick in releasing a would-be victim but a knife is dangerous and could cut someone if the blade is exposed. Children could play with them and injure themselves or others. It would be better to have a device whose blade is not exposed, but can still function as a seat belt cutter. In this way, you could easily escape from the confines of the seatbelt and the cutting motion would be much easier rather than cutting at the seatbelt with a knife.

A seat belt cutter could also be used to easily assist others in escaping from the confines of a stuck or broken seatbelt as it would be handier to use than a knife. Ideally, one swift, effortless motion is all that is needed to cut through the seatbelt. There would be no need for sawing through it or hacking at it. One smooth stroke is all that should take to cut through the seatbelt.

What's more, such an emergency tool usually comes bundled with a hand cranked flashlight to light your way and making it easier for you to get to safety. Being hand cranked or powered mechanically would mean that batteries are not required; as long as you can crank the handle you will have light. A gentle clockwise turning motion is all that is needed to adequately supply power to the flashlight.

The unit could also float if placed in water. Being able to float would be extremely advantageous in accidents that would happen in the water. However, as a precaution, a way must be made to secure the tool to your body so that it does not float away or become lost. Devices that could attach to the tool could work as a hook to a belt loop to keep it on your body and prevent it from getting lost. Or simply put it into your pocket whenever you go out for a drive.

About the Author: Adam Tayma is an expert in the evaluation and selection of car accessories including the car emergency tool which includes a seat belt cutter and torch. He recommends only the highest quality and rated products and may be contacted at http://[email protected].

Keywords: Car Emergency Tool, Seat Belt Cutter, Emergency Hammer, Car Safety Tool, Break a Car Window, Car Accessories

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