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The following article was published in our article directory on August 12, 2014.
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Interesting Truths about Headaches

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Peter Bennett

Most people are not interested about this particular topic. They only want to know the best shot of medicine that could cure headaches at the rate of light speed if possible. There's no time to waste for the pain that paralyzes one in doing a day's important appointments. Nevertheless, learning interesting truths about this subject can educate one on the proper approach and procedures in curing headaches. Below is a shortlist of fascinating facts about the common nuisance that everyone occasionally experiences:

The Swop

Women are more prone to headaches than men. Studies suggest that this increased susceptibility could have been caused by menstrual cycle and the pain that accompanies it. Some medical research observations indicate that boys are more likely to have the frequent episodic type of headache during childhood than girls though a switch of position takes place during puberty. A myth suggests that it's the 'girl thing' that causes too much headache; indicating that girls are getting more emotional at the said stage.

Jet Lag

Have you ever experienced a dizzy feeling after a flight from one country to another? Well, this is very common among newly initiated travelers. A scientific explanation tells that a person's body gets to adjust along crossing from a time zone to another; tuning the body clock with the destination's current time. This internal process causes headache, vomiting and nausea, though experience differs in every individual. This after flight phenomena could last for three days or shorter depending on the passengers' frequency in air or sea travel. Melatonin intake is recommended by most of the people who love traveling even after a dizzying or dauntingly vomiting escapade.

The Cheesy Consequence

Love eating cheesy foods and treats? How about chocolates, sour fruits, bananas, pepperoni and avocados? If yes, you're positive, positively prone to headaches. The said foods contain tyramine, a substance that triggers headaches and migraines. Take a moderate intake of these tyramine-rich treats and reduce the risk of having these major nuisances.

A Crowd of Affiliates

Headaches can be associated as one of the primary symptoms of many diseases. Some of these are Dengue fever, anxiety disorders, aneurysm, meningitis, trigeminal neuralgia, typhus, flu, malaria, mumps, brain tumor and many others. Most of these diseases could be deadly if not treated with proper medication. One should therefore beware of the return of this pain associated with other symptoms that could indicate a disease's occurrence within the body. Consult your physician if simultaneous symptoms persist.

Manual Maneuver

When it comes to headache, people tend to take a paracetamol or aspirin as the first attempt in washing down the throbbing sensation. There are so called 'trigger points' in our body that could be massaged to relieve infrequent to chronic episodic type of tension headache. Some therapists suggest massaging the back of the skull. This works best for most people. However, if you don't have anyone to do it for you, and you find it hard to reach the back of your skull, resort on acupressure method. This is a traditional healing method used by Chinese people and is also fairly effective in relieving pain. Put a pressure on the depression between the two toes and hold it for three minutes and so on until the pain subsides.

About the Author: Peter Bennett is a Doctor of Chiropractic and an expert when it comes to the chiropractic care of headaches. To find out everything about the chiropractic care of headaches , visit his website at

Keywords: chiropractic care of headache, headaches, headache remedies, headache treatment, tension headache treatment

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