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The following article was published in our article directory on July 25, 2014.
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Helpful Tips for Healthy Koi Fish

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Patrick Eder

Most people take care of koi fish simply because of their attractive appearance. Many add a koi fish pond to their house for decorative purposes or plainly for one's entertainment and pleasure. Whatever reason people have for taking care of koi, one thing they must be strict about is koi health. Healthy fish equates to getting to enjoy them longer. In order to ensure optimum koi health, one must be aware of the basic needs of a healthy koi fish.

Every koi owner must know the fundamentals of a koi fish. An adult koi's average size ranges from 5 inches to 3 feet long, which varies relying on its species. With proper care, a koi fish's life span can reach up to 60 years or more. It eats both plants and small animals and its minimum aquarium size is 20 gallons and more, depending on the different types of koi. Make sure that the water's temperature is within the range of 64-75�F.

Other basic information for koi fish caretakers include proper diet, feeding, housing, habitat maintenance and fish compatibility. All these are needed in maintaining proper koi health. To start with diet and feeding, a regular diet for koi consists of fish pellets or flakes and frozen fish food. Compared to other freshwater fish, koi fish are in need of more carbohydrates. To meet their dietary requirement, koi needs to be fed only once a day for as much as it can consume in a period of 3 to 5 minutes.

Keep in mind that when giving frozen food, it is important to thaw it thoroughly prior to feeding it to the fish. When it comes to their habitat, be it natural or artificial; make it a point that the water quality, water temperature, and pH levels meet the desired values and conditions as they are vital in keeping good koi health.

Maintenance of the koi fish's dwellings should be accomplished at daily, weekly and yearly intervals. On a daily basis, the filter, water temperature and other apparatus must be checked for functionality. Weekly water quality checks must also be done as the water quality is a determinant for the koi's measure to last. It is also quintessential to change 10-25% of the water's volume every 2-5 weeks and to add new inhabitants to the aquarium or pond gradually. Koi fish are compatible with other cold water community fish that withstand lower temperatures of water and that are not aggressive in temperament.

Signs of a healthy fish include having clear eyes, a healthy appetite, regular breathing and active swimming. Do not overcrowd your pond or aquarium as it is usually the cause of stress and disease in koi. On the other hand, danger signs to look out for include spots or fungus apparent on the fish's body or mouth, labored breathing and loss of appetite. Some of the most common koi health issues include itching and having fungus. To treat fungus manifested by cotton-like patches, it is suggested to check the water quality and to improve it as needed. Seeking the help of an aquatic veterinarian is also helpful if the problem still isn't solved after treating the water.

Due to possible fungus, fish may also suffer from itching. This may be evident as a fish brushes against textured objects and swims in an awkward manner. In the event of such, quarantine the fish as soon as possible to prevent further spread of the symptom. One may use commercially prepared itch remedies for fish for at least two weeks till it subsides.

Being aware of the key essentials in maintaining koi health makes a huge difference in the koi's quality of life. Keep them strong and healthy and in turn, they will keep you entertained and happy.

About the Author: Patrick Eder is an expert when it comes to
Koi Fish Facts
. To find out everything about The Koi Hobby, visit his website at Koi Fish Facts.

Keywords: Koi Fish, Koi Fish Pond,Starting The Koi Hobby,Koi Fish - Guide,Types of Koi, Koi Care, Koi Pond Filtration, Koi Health, Koi Fish Meaning

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