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« Back to articles from category "Wellness, Fitness and Diet"

The following article was published in our article directory on June 19, 2014.
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The 5 Most Powerful Steps Beneficial to Weight-Loss

Article Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

Author Name: Kris Paul

Who isn't contemplating weight loss nowadays, maybe the 1 third of us that aren't over weight, but for the other 2 thirds of american adults, its a problem that is ultimately going to kill us, unless we do something about it. That something must be dramatic, and needs to be something which actually works, and most importantly, ought to be a behavior that is applied to your lifestyle permanently.

This brings up a vital word in all of this, lifestyle.

If you are struggling with weight issues, its fair to state that your way of living holds the solution to this problem. Lack of physical exercise, weak food choices, tobacco and alcohol problems perhaps, and possibly simply an overall lack of enthusiasm. I want to present you with 5 basic steps, that if followed conscientiously, wont be difficult or hard, but gradually will bring substantial results.

There are certainly some dietary changes which could be tough for a week or so, but that's because a lot of the food you are eating is highly addictive. In one study, rats were given heroin and sugar for a 2 month period, and afterwards they were able to choose on their own between the heroin and the sugar, 95 % of them chose sugar.

Refined carbs make you more hungry the more of them you eat. Be really prepared to make a few changes, these steps really easy, and are really beneficial, but they should be implemented long-term, not for a week or so.

1) Drink water

Just swapping out all sodas, sugary beverages, alcoholic beverages, and any cartoned fruit juices for good old water will definitely make a huge difference to your day-to-day caloric intake, also water in itself is life sustaining and aids the kidneys significantly in taking out contaminants. Drink as much of it as you wish.

2) Cut out processed sugar

You've done it with the drinks, its time to do it with your food. The foods we are taking a look at are sweets, biscuits, sugary breakfast cereals, ice cream, chocolate and so on. This is a big step, therefore what you may do is reduce first with the goal of total removal as you go. The very best foods to replace these with, are fruits, nuts, avocados, or just having some healthy proteins, such as eggs, fish or meat.

3) Eliminate refined carbs

As I pointed out, when we eat processed carbohydrates, they just make us more hungry which causes us to eat way too much. The foods I'm talking about are pasta, spaghetti, rice, noodles, potato chips etc. By removing these foods, and replacing them with good fats such as, eggs, avocados, walnuts, grass-fed beef, lamb, olive oil, coconut oil, the body is going to feel full more easily. When all refined sugars and carbohydrates are removed, and good fat is added, the body can go into a state called ketosis, or being fat adapted, and when that happens, the body essentially burns its own fat for fuel.

4) Remove all these foods from your house right away

This is so important. Take all your junk food out now, and make the trip to the supermarket. Most people fail due to the fact that they have their stash of junk food readily available. By removing all these foods, you enhance your chance for success dramatically. Bear in mind, everything you need to shop for, is located around the perimeter of the supermarket, the moment you move into the aisles, you are not looking at real food. If it can be found in a can or a packet, forget about it.

5) Add physical exercise - walking is awesome

The last step may be the biggest hurdle, but it doesn't need to be, so lets make it easy. Take a walk for 15 minutes on a daily basis for a week, 7 days a week. Next week walk for TWENTY minutes every day and so on until you are walking for 1 hour or 10,000 steps a day. The changes to your cardiovascular health can easily add years onto your life, you will feel better I guarantee you, and your overall look on life will will be more positive.
You can get an armband for your iPhone 5, and listen to music for an hour while walking, and after a month or so of doing this, you can introduce some jogging. These 5 steps, I believe will see you losing 1 to 2 kg's a week, effortlessly.

About the Author: Kris Paul is a longtime health and well-being enthusiast who has been really interested in all sporting activities and particularly work out solutions. Recently I've been using the Great Case apple iphone 5 armband for running.

Keywords: iphone 5 armbands, iPhone 5 armband for running, sports armband iPhone 5

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