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The following article was published in our article directory on May 17, 2014.
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The Most Influential and Best Self Help Books Of All Time

Article Category: Self Help

Author Name: Ken Poirot

Finding the best self help book has been a quest for a lot of people. This is not surprising though given the fact that self help books have been proven to be helpful time and again for a lot of people.

But of course, it must be given due consideration that these books work on a person to person basis. That means the result can vary from one person to another. After all, every person is unique; and everyone has his own personality which is an important factor in the success of the advice given in self help books. That means the best self help book for one person, may not necessarily be the same for another.

Through time, various self help books have emerged and each of them have been considered to be the best self help book in their own merit. Though they have been written years ago now, they still remain to be very much relevant to the current issues of people.

Here are some of them for example.

How to Win Friends and Influence People

This book was authored by Dale Carnegie who died in 1955 at age 56. Basically, the author served as the king for stating the obvious in the form of bullet points. Carnegie laid down the most fundamental points in self help: avoid arguments, be friend, show respect, and do not overpower.

The cultural relevance of this back then was that it actually invented the idea of self-help and self-help books as people know them now. It even prompted a number of sequels. And even up to the present time, this book remains to be the benchmark when it comes to self-help. It is not surprising then that it is considered as one of the best if not the best self help book written ever.

The Road Less Traveled

This is another classic that was written by the author M Scoot Peck who died in 2005 at the ripe age of 69. In fact, this is a popular book even up to now. The main point of this self-help book is that it is only through facing our difficulties and challenges that people are able to reach a good level of self-understanding.

Initially, this book was ignored during its publication, sneered at even. Peck took it upon himself to promote his book. It was only 6 years later that it turned out to be a best seller. Now, it has been dubbed as the best self help book for a lot of people who are looking for guidance in their lives.

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

Lastly, this book was written by Susan Jeffers who holds a doctorate in psychology. And being a fan of self-help books herself, she wrote one. The main point of her book is that anyone can overcome his or her fears and live a life filled with endless fulfillment. She takes example from herself. And now, Susan Jeffers remains to be the "Queen of Self-Help".

About the Author: Ken Poirot has over 18 years' experience working in financial services. Full Article. Free Download Mentor Me, or visit Mentor Me

Keywords: self help book, books, business books, best self help book, self help, business, ebooks, ebook. books online, mentor me, ken poirot, mentor me book

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