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The following article was published in our article directory on May 5, 2014.
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Equipment Used in Woodworking

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Nigel T. Healey

If you want to make any furniture in your house or you want to start your own wood products factory then woodworking equipment is a must. woodworking equipment is used to mould a piece of wood into the desired shape. Some of the common woodworking equipment include biscuit joiner, chainsaw, drill, nail gun and wood router. They are used to join 2 pieces of wood. Some of the hand held power tools are as follows:

woodworking machine: This machine is mainly used to process wood. These machines are extensively used in woodworking and are powered with the help of electric motors

Biscuit joiner: A biscuit joiner also referred as plate joiner is commonly used for joining 2 pieces of wood. It has a 100mm diameter circular saw blade that is used for cutting a semi-circular shaped hole in wood composite panels.

Chainsaw: This woodworking tool is a portable, motorized, mechanical saw. It is very useful in logging activities that include felling, bucking and limbing. Felling of trees becomes a easier job using this chainsaw. It is commonly used in removing branches and foliage that are causing obstruction. Chainsaws are often used to harvest firewood and to fell snags. So if you want to cut wood for building structures then you should use chainsaws.

Drill: If you want to make holes in wooden pieces then you can take the help of a driller. Drillers are frequently used in metal working, woodworking and construction sites. Types of drill include cordless drills, and rotary hammer drills.

Jigsaw: It is a working tool that is extremely useful to cut arbitrary curves that include stenciled designs into a small piece of wood. Tool kit of most carpenters contains a jigsaw. If you require fine cutting then you must use a jigsaw.

Nail gun: If you want to insert nails into wood then the best way to do it is by using a nail gun. The nails are driven by electromagnetism, highly flammable gases that include propane or butane, and by compressed air. Previously hammers were used to insert nails into wood. By using hammers you may injure your fingers. That is why instead of hammers many carpenters are using nail guns. It has become a popular tool amongst carpenters and builders

Wood Router: It is used to hollow out (route out) an area from a large piece of wood. This working tool is now replaced by modern spindle tool. This is an electric hand
router that performs the same job and is commonly used for molding of timber. It is also used to cut grooves, for edge molding and to cut some joints.

Sander: It is a powerful working tool that is used to give a smooth finish to the wood. These sanders are often powered by electric motors.

Rotary tool: This tool is extremely useful as it is a multipurpose power tool. It has many rotating accessory bits that can be effectively used to cut, carve, polish etc. Rotary tool has low torque; hence it is safe for freehand use.

All these woodworking equipment will help in giving an attractive look to your furniture.

About the Author: Nigel T. Healey is an expert when it comes to woodworking. To find out everything about woodworking, visit his website at

Keywords: woodworking

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