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The following article was published in our article directory on May 5, 2014.
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Emergency Essentials: The Three Vital Tips to Survive a Disaster

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Art Saborio

You never know how and where you could meet disaster. The best way to be safe if a disastrous situation occurs is to first be prepare with a well thought out plan and emergency essentials. If there is a need to leave your home, every family member should have their own bug out bag. When a disaster hits, each member of family should learn in advance guidelines on how to use any and all survival gear and how to react in certain situation.

Initial Vital Step

To start out with, you need a good plan. How much stuff is needed? It all depends on how long time you're gonna' to remain beyond the reaches of society. However, you never know if your home will be in the same state after a disaster happens. In the event your home is destroyed, do you have the means to live without it? Perhaps it is severely damaged during a storm; it could take months and months to make it livable again.

Have a good plan ready, where you write down some points on what your bug out bag should contain and what your family's bags should contain. It is easier to give everybody the roles based on what is in their bag. In the event disaster hits, each family member can assume their roles and secure the area. With this in mind, a person or a group of people will be prepared and ready for most situations.

Everyone should prepare a bug out bag and add these important things, such as first aid supplies, storable foods, tools, shelter and warmth items, ready-made food and water, flashlight, portable radio, bags and entertainment, seeds and anything you feel is crucial to your survival within this bag. This is the first vital step to survive in a disastrous situation.

If disease or worst has broken out, it is not worth to stay in a city. You could easily die from exposure or be killed by other groups of survivalists. It is very important to quit a city and go to the countryside to find a good safe location that may have access to a water supply; it would be very comfortable place to hold out. Water is very important for life, without water nobody can live longer than a couple of weeks.

The very important thing that raises the chances to survive is the location where a disaster occurs. Big crowded cities are the worst place to hide from a disaster. The cities are where the most competition for food could happen if there is some kind of attack. Try to avoid crowds of people. I would like to add it's much better to move as far away from center of the city as possible. Staying away from suburbs and cities gives you a chance to survive.

The ideal place would be countryside. If the disaster has to be from an earthquake, then a person should be far away from the coast, to avoid any tsunamis. A place next to a river or lake always gives a supply of fresh water. Every extreme survivalists and preppers should have an adequate backup supply of food and water.

Second Vital Step to Surviving

Everything depends on how long you are planning to stay in an area. A rotation of supplies means using the food that is the oldest and storing the new supplies for a later time. That way the food last as long as possible. This will protect a person from unexpected circumstances, because it is hard to know how long a person can stay in one place and still consider it secure. It is also a good idea to store vitamins and iodine to stay healthy and well nourished.

In the event of a biological, nuclear or chemical contamination, the area you currently setup as secure may quickly degrade, requiring you to move to a new location. In this situation, there is no other choice but to get up and leave. Having another area to evacuate too, such as an underground facility or a better fortified structure may be your only chance of survival.

Third vital Step to Surviving

It is very important to self-educate. A simple example is going out to buy firearms and learning how to use them. It's better to be prepared for any situation you might come across, but as you know, the situation is never what we expect it to be. Within any conflict or theater of war, there are many if not hundreds of variables to contend with. Survival should not be one of those variables that are unknown to you.

Survival Skills

When something does happen, Building something with your own hands provides self-sufficient qualities that will help you. If you can build it yourself, then do it. If it breaks, you will become an expert on the subject and be able to maintain what you build and fix it. For example, install a solar panel system on your own or watch how it is installed so you know how it works and how to troubleshoot if it stops working. An easier system to start out with would be a rain catcher or water filtration system. It is time to get past the hate and the basics if you hate gardening. Understanding what can grow where you reside and why can help find plants that are resistant to weather changes or worst. When services and even the government are no longer functioning, this gives you a tremendous ability to survive even.

What kinds of skills are good to have in a disastrous situation? How about hunting and gardening? These are some of the top skills to have. They will help feed you, your family and friends. First aid skills are help to anyone.

Are you a carpenter or know construction? You are the right person to maintain a shelter and build. If it rains and you have nothing to stay under for the night, you can quickly get hypothermia and eventually die.

If you have some of the mechanic skills, then you are the person to either repair a vehicle found while exploring or maintaining your own vehicle to do supply runs.

Let's see the list of supplies which can help with safety and security in the event a disaster happens. You need a supply of non-perishable food, which should be enough for 3 month up to 2 years, water is very important., Vitamins are important to prevent other and scurvy diseases, multiple water filtration systems, weapons like the knives and guns are good to have around. Comes equipment like, a radio, seeds for garden, candles, toilet paper, a few gallons of gasoline, spare power generator, warm clothes or blankets, fire wood, medical supplies, entertainment and more that is from your own personal needs.

And it's very important to be as self-sufficient as possible. Remember, the government will never come to your rescue if economic times are bad. Try to avoid areas where severe weather such as hurricanes and tornadoes can destroy your home or your life. Also it's better to avoid areas where large numbers of people gather. Most cities like this have a large majority of the population dependent on government assistance. No government means these people will be coming after you for their needs. A self-sufficient person is a person, who is able to use his skills and some experiences in planning and rebuilding his new life after meeting a disaster he or she is prepared to take on and survive.

About the Author: A.S Outpost is a leading retailer and manufacture of outdoor and survival paracord 550 rope. Visit A.S Outpost at

Keywords: emergency essentials, paracord 550, 550 cord, outdoor, hunting, survival, preppers

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