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The following article was published in our article directory on May 1, 2014.
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Are You Prepared for City Wide Disaster Scenario? How to Enhance Your Survival in Big Cities

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Art Saborio

Some people like living in a big city, and there are others who can't imagine their lives without fresh air and the feeling of closeness with nature. We are all different. Everybody can choose what is better for her or him. Adaptability and surviving in big cities is not as simple as it could be. There are also a ton of dreary situations that are barely ideal for people living within metropolitan.

Regardless of what, it is not possible to be safe from every problem in the world. A situation and surroundings can be different and can change on a daily basis. It is useful to know how to handle a certain situation and how to survive.

It's better to be prepared for a bad situation now than later if an extreme situation were to happen in your city. Although living in the city provides some comfort, we still need to learn some tips on surviving in the event a disastrous situation occurs.

To survive in almost any situation, you will need to have at least a year's worth of supplies so to survive and not to die from hunger. You may never use up your years' worth of supplies, but it is good to be prepared in the event a situation goes on for six months or more. In most situations local governments can restore order in five to seven days. Much like any wilderness survival training, surviving in a city is similar. You basically need the same necessities. In this situation you are prepared, have a ready-made home as your shelter and a way to defend it.

Just imagine the worst disaster possible in your city. Maybe it is an earthquake, tsunami, hurricane or tornado . After making a list of possible situations, you'll probably need some knowledge and experience.

You should know how to use your survival items and also know how to exercise your survival skills. It doesn't matter where or how you live, a ready-made survival kit on your property or work area will reward you well if needed.

Everyone needs a plan to survive and protect their family and friends. This becomes more urgent in a world chocked full of threats of terrorism, economic collapse or natural disasters. Your survival plans need to be based your ability to get to your resources fast and execute on your plan without a lot of complicated steps. Speed means everything in situation like this.

It's impossible to create a plan without an expert showing you how to do it. Not being prepared makes you victim and that is not where you want to find yourself.

To be ready for any situation you have to train a lot. This means managing to execute your plan without a lot of thought. You have to react like a machine. You also have to remember it's very difficult to survive when you're alone. It's better to stay together with your family or with friends. This will make it easier to overcome unexpected difficulties and survive. You have to use all your knowledge and all your skills if you find yourself in a survival situation.

Your ability to think clearly and not panic may be very useful to you. A good example is learning a few key skills that can keep you alive even when city resources have stopped working. You can learn how to purify polluted water. If there is a flood or water supply does not work in your city, you can use your skills to ensure a water supply is available.

You can have a good stash of water saved in a garage or basement only to run out after a few months of being without services.

Food, water and basic living conditions become more valuable than gold or money. You can't eat money or gold and very few people will part with their food for paper or minerals. Food and other supplies become the new wealth. Having a well-stocked basement as well as a small well secured garden will take you a very long way in getting what you need from others.

Most of people will not be prepared to survive a disastrous situation. Just keep in mind, there will be chaos with a situation like this. You can be sure to hear or even see robberies, looting and even killings. People tend to panic when resources begin to disappear; especially those that are not prepared for it.

Nature can possibly be a gift or a vengeful terrible thing. It can unleash all its power on humanity. However for those who are prepared, order can emerge from the ashes of destruction. Long after those who are not prepared, perished or move on, you will be in a situation to recover and rebuild .

Even after a great fire, nature finds a way to start and revive over again. Plants start growing and animals return. It is a beautiful thing to see when something terrible is replaced with calm and order.

Start to make a list now of things you take for granted. How about a restroom, bath, stove to cook, lights etc. You will start to realize it is not easy to survive without the comforts of modern life. Everybody likes to use electricity, heating and water . Start planning now in case such a situation occurs. This way you protect yourself and your family. It also makes it easier to collect what is needed quickly when there is an emergency.

There is no need to buy everything you may find at the store or online. Only build a survival kit and stock up on those things that you decide you can not do without. Create one good plan and follow it to the word.

In the event you need to leave your home, you need to prepare a bug out bag. This bag can be used in the event you need to leave your home quickly. You will able to evacuate in the case of fire, flood, earthquake, mud slide, or any other such as biological or technological disaster.

Having a bag like this will help you escape riots, mobs, armed conflicts or avoid any other extreme situations.

Not many people are prepared to use a weapon to protect themselves. Having a weapon and actually using it against someone are two different things. For some, moving and leaving an area to a safer location is a more ideal situation for them. For others using their weapons to defend their property is an ideal approach to surviving. No two ways are better; it all depends on how you plan for yourself or family.

Now you are going to want to make a plan. Ensure you practice your plan at minimum once a week to put it to memory. Time yourself to ensure you can execute quickly and effectively. You can never prepare for the perfect disaster scenario; I can assure you if and when a situation like this occurs, it will be deadly and confusing . It is all the more reason to put your plan to memory, to ensure that you may react to those external factors that do not exist within your plan.

About the Author: A.S Outpost is a site dedicated to survival/outdoor information. There website can be found here Another great site tied to A.S Outpost is there video library of tutorials and more. This can be found here. paracord 550 tutorials.

Keywords: 550 paracord, paracord 550, 550 cord, survival, prepper, survivalist

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