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The following article was published in our article directory on April 21, 2014.
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Rainbow Loom Bands to Enhance Your Kid's Focus and Imagination

Article Category: Entertainment

Author Name: Laff Toys & Crafts Tracy Duncan, company representative

Rainbow Loom is a craft toy craze of the year. Both girls and boys, from young to old, are into the fad of creating unique and challenging designs of loom bands or bracelets. These loom bracelets are colorful knitted rubber bands looped together to form personalized designs. School-aged kids are getting hooked into this because it is a cool way to have fun and cast each one's creativity.

Loom bands are designed for grade school children, for tweens, or even for young adults. It is a trend over grade school kids for it makes them pre-occupied with something else, aside from school stuffs. Loom bands enhance one's mind to focus, to think out-of-the-box, and to be determined to finish a simple project. The reward of seeing your own design is self-fulfilling for most children. Making loom bands for each other is also a new way to have fun with friends. Creating these rubber band bracelets provides fun and artistic bonding time for the new generation kids.

Some say that weaving the rubber bands is the newest form of knitting, like how your grandmother did it on her generation. Rainbow loom bands are available in most stores across the country. The loom kit contains a plastic pegboard where you place the rubber bands while weaving; a plastic or metal crochet-like hook which comes in different colors; C-shaped clips for securing the ends of the bracelet; and colorful silicone or jelly neon rubber bands. The silicone rubber bands are the main tool in creating the bracelets. It has different colors and shades – from opaque to glow in the dark. Rainbow loom band kits usually has 500-600 pieces of silicone rubber bands; and once everything had been consumed, loom bands refill can be ordered online.

The Laff's Rainbow loom band is a brand refill for Rainbow Loom and other major brands of looms available in the market today. Laff's loom kit refill contains 8 different colors individually packaged in re-sealable plastic bags. Laff's silicone rubber bands are designed with high quality standards: bright colors and unbreakable. The rubber bands are also 100% Latex free. Loom bands refill are great for color-combination designs which often symbolize luck, love, or friendship. Most children are fond of making fishtail looms, infinity bracelets, bow rings, heart twists, and zigzag chains.

Rainbow Loom refill kits from Laff may be ordered through Amazon; its website as follows:

Instructional videos are available on the internet for beginners on these Rainbow loom bands. It could be difficult at first try, but you will get on into it with practice and patience. Your own-designed bracelets will be perfect on your second or third attempt. Do not forget to use the C-shaped clips to secure your loom bands in the end. Just remember to have fun, to let your creative mind take the lead, to concentrate on your looping techniques, and to make room for some mistakes and improvement.

About the Author: Laff Toys & Crafts provides colorful and strong Rainbow Loom® refills, formerly known as Twistz Bandz. To learn more about these looms bands, visit Amazon at

Keywords: Rainbow loom refills, Twistz Bandz, rubberbands for bracelets, looms bands, loom band, colorful loom bands, Rainbow loom rubber band refill

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