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The following article was published in our article directory on April 18, 2014.
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Easy ways to overcome anxiety and stress

Article Category: Lifestyle

Author Name: Ruben Mora

You're cramming for an exam, you have a deadline to beat at work, you need to pay a big debt and you're running out of time. Relax, take a deep breath and stop stressing about stress.
Stress should be managed the moment you feel it than having them pile up on you. Here are some stress managing strategies to consider in different situations especially at work.
Inhale, exhale
When you are at work and you feel tensed with all the demands of your boss, you might not be able to work productively. Stop what you're doing for a while. Relax your shoulders and take slow deep breaths.
Get moving
If you're in front of the computer all day, it is advisable to get up and get moving at least every 30 minutes. Staying stationary for so long can get you tired and will build up tension in you. Move your muscles by simply getting a drink, going to the comfort room or doing some stretches.
Exercise daily
Exercising plays a big part in stress management. Do exercises every day. Pilates and yoga can help relax both the mind and body. You can enrol in a yoga class or you can do yoga even when you're seated at work. Called the chair yoga, all you have to do is the following:
1. Make back and shoulder stretches. This will loosen up your upper back and shoulders.
2. Stretch your legs and lift them up while maintaining a sitting position. This will release strain in the legs.
3. Do neck rotations. Roll your neck clockwise and counter clockwise for about eight times each, then look down, up, to your left side and right side. Doing this often will relax your mind and lighten your head.
4. Bend forward. While still seated, bend forward with arms stretched on your back for at least 8 seconds. This also helps let go of tension in the back and shoulders.
5. Do the pigeon pose. With legs crossed and pointing straight forward, twist your upper body and head to the left while maintaining a sitting position and hold for 8 seconds. Do the same on the opposite side. This exercise will help bring back your energy and focus.
Note: Don't forget to do proper breathing while doing these exercises.
Listen to music
Listening to music helps in stress management. Make it a habit to add color to your everyday life through music. When you wake up in the morning, listen and dance to an upbeat song to start your day happy. While driving your car and you're stuck in traffic, turn on the radio; whenever you feel alone or lonely, switch that radio on again. Having to listen to nothing or noise can add up to a stress. A relaxing music can also help rest your mind. Even singing releases stress.
Stress is sometimes inevitable but there are things you can do to prevent them. Improve your self-esteem, avoid negativity, embrace a positive life, surround yourself with happy people, smile always, travel once in a while. Life is too short so don't let stress overpower you.

About the Author: Ruben Mora is an expert when it comes to stress management, control of anxiety and self esteem improvement. To find out everything about stress management, visit his website at

Keywords: stress,stress management,stress management tips,stress management techniques,stress management strategies,stress control,overcome anxiety,improve your self esteem

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