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« Back to articles from category "Wellness, Fitness and Diet"

The following article was published in our article directory on March 17, 2014.
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What Does It Mean to Be Healthy?

Article Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

Author Name: James Spann

Health is described as the level of metabolic efficiency in a living organism. Thus, one is deemed unhealthy if his body is not able to transform the nutrients it gets from food for body building processes. A healthy body, on the other hand is one which maximizes use of the nutrients to be able to function at one's peak. Thus to be healthy, one must not only be free from injury, pain, or illness. One must have maximum use of his physical and mental faculties as well.

Health Issues

Even with the knowledge of how one can maintain good health, still there remains a big number of deaths worldwide. Diseases, both non-contagious (heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and respiratory diseases) and contagious (HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria) comprise the biggest part of these deaths.

Malnutrition affects mostly children. About 7.5 million children under 5 years old die each year because of malnutrition. The most common cause of malnutrition is the lack of the means with which to buy food. While international organizations are doing its best trying to contain the situation, still the decrease of deaths due to child malnutrition has moved very little.

A good four hundred thousand people die each year because of poor lifestyle choices. These can range from poor eating habits (overeating or constrictive diets), excessive drinking, cigarette smoking, lack of sleep and inactivity. Smokers and drinkers though seem not affected by these statistics as the number of smokers who still flagrantly smoke is still increasing. Stricter laws on smoking should be passed as research indicates that the passive smokers, the ones who inhale second hand smoke, are in a much worse situation than the smokers themselves.

Although most health issues can be prevented, the sad truth is that there are about one billion people who do not have access to health care systems. This is , by far, the most harmful health issue that can happen to one seeking medical care.

Being Mentally Healthy

Mental health is a state of well-being where a person makes use of his abilities to live through the normal stresses of life, but still contribute to his community by working productively.

Mental illness, on the other hand is the universe of conditions (real or imaginary) that interfere with the emotional and social well being of a person which impacts his productivity. About 25% of adults in the United States and Canada suffer from diagnosable mental illnesses. In teenagers, depression, eating disorders and drug abuse are more prevalent due to the social pressures brought about by a drastic changing of roles as well as trying to fit in and be accepted in the new society they are moving into.

The good news is that these mental health issues can be treated so long as parents keep open lines of communication with their children.

Maintaining health in mind and body should be a lifetime activity. Aside from the time-old tested ways in which we were raised to keep healthy, personal strategies as well as new interventions introduced through medical care should be made part of one's lifestyle.

About the Author: James Spann, a retired science teacher and coach, is a lifelong fitness advocate. He has become an expert when it come to fitness, sports nutrition, weight loss, health. To find out everything about fitness, sports nutrition, weight loss, health, visit his website right away.

Keywords: fitness routines, fitness, sports nutrition, weight loss, health, well-being, diet

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