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The following article was published in our article directory on February 21, 2014.
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how to activate your pineal Gland

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: joby Boughey

How to Activate your Pineal Gland !!

The pineal gland is about the size of a pea

that sits in the centre of the brain behind

pituitary gland just behind the eye

it works with the HYPERMERMIA GLAND

thats sets our ageing process and

works with thirst,hunger ,

and sexual desires

The human body has an other physical eye

the 3rd eye or the seed of the soul -

The pineal gland .!!

The Pineal gland is shaped like a pine cone

hence its name .

Ancient Greeks said it was our realms

to thought . Or the Eye of wisdom ...

The pineal Gland when waken can raise

your vibration from the base of the brain .

This pressure will be felt when reaching

higher frequencies

In china this is known as chi -


To access this spiritual gateway you can

start to practice to detoxify the Pineal Gland

by diet,Meditation, Yoga ,chi gong, thai chi

and anything else that will raise your vibration

The symbol has always been present throughout

history .The EYE of HORUS is very similar to the pineal Gland take a look

This has also been passed down through many

other religions and cultures . take India for instance the Buddha .

The Buddha head wear is a pinecone this is to

symbolise the the 3rd eye ( pineal Gland ). They also always wear a dot in between the eyes again another symbol of where the 3rd eye lies .

Even to this day men and women still wear a bindi to represent the 3rd eye .

here is a nice quote i like that if you meditate you will get :)



The Symbol of the EYE can be found on the dollar bill .If thats not telling you something that the people in power know the true meaning of this /

So i ask You ?

Why Don't we get taught about this ????

There are signs all over the world take the vatican for example it is full of pine cones do you think this is a coincidence , i think not !!

Even the great Leonardo De Vinci left us signs in

his last supper meal painting . if you look Very closely Jesus has a 3rd eye .

Also Take a look at the doorways at the back of the painting they are the same as doorways of the pyramids .( i bet you want to look now don't you ? ) trust me its weird

what do you think the conspiracy is ?

So how are they killing our pineal gland ?

The biggest thing is fluoride which is in your tap water and tooth paste !!!!

Fluoride is a poison to kill Rodents

it was used in war camps to keep people docile and questioning anything . The Germans were blatant about this as well .

still to this day its in our tap water and tooth paste

Fluoride decalcifies and shuts your pineal gland


The pineal gland absorbs more fluoride than other organ in your body . its like a magnet to Fluoride .

Coincidence or what ?????

Another way is Mercury which can be found in dental fillings , and medical vaccines

Mercury is a poison to the pineal gland .

Mercury can be removed by faily use of chlorella ,wheat grass & spirulina.

Some Pestides are toxins to the pineal gland so be careful try and use fresh organic foods . it is a little more expensive but you know you will be eating something fresh and good for you .

Alchol and smoking can also harm the p/g

Toxins can be found , soda, sweets ,artificial sweeteners.

Aspartame which i did a write up on other day please check my blog bloghttp://[email protected]

Deodrant,mouth wash please cask me i can show you a fluoride free alternative .

Raw coco is a pineal Gland stimulant and is full of antioxidants again i can show you protein shakes and snap bars with this in

or you can buy from all good health stores.

Be consistent with diet ,meditate,will all help

Try fermented skate liver oil as well .

So why doesn't the School system teach us and the kids about this ?

Well because the people in power own everything and Do what ever they can in their power to stop us achieving greatness .


Keywords: How to, activate ,pineal gland, 3rd eye ,detoxify ,Fluoride , mercury,

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