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« Back to articles from category "Wellness, Fitness and Diet"

The following article was published in our article directory on February 3, 2014.
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Why Overcoming Fat Burning Plateaus Does Not Have To Be A Deal Breaker

Article Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

Author Name: Craig Leonard

When we hit a plateau in our fat burning results it's a natural tendency to start over-thinking things. We start wondering if we're working out too much, not working out enough, eating too many carbs, not getting enough high quality protein, maybe it's time to ditch the steady state cardio and switch it up with some interval training... And on down the line.

All of these things (and others) are worth considering, but only after you've made the conclusion that your lack of results isn't simply a matter of failing to induce the only true requirement for fat loss to occur: a caloric deficit.

Of course a calorie is not just a calorie and where your calories come from does make a difference. Nevertheless, none of this really matters when it comes to fat loss if you're not maintaining a consistent deficit of calories.

In other words, if you aren't maintaining a caloric deficit, you have no hope of losing fat anyway – regardless of where those calories are coming from.

The reason I'm bringing this up is because I've seen that the tendency of men and women who are experiencing a plateau in their fat loss is to look right past the most fundamental fat loss principle and give all of their attention to secondary aspects that are going to be of little or no help to them.

So before you start needlessly over-thinking things...
Take a period of 4 or 5 days and track your calories to a tee and see where you're at. This is a little inconvenient, but it's absolutely necessary.

This can be done by keeping a food log or by using one of several quality smartphone apps (I like the My Fitness Pal app). Don't make any drastic changes to your eating patterns. Just eat like you normally do so you can get a good idea of what your average daily caloric intake is.

You're likely going to see a decent amount of swing from day-to-day, unless you're part of the very small percentage of people who follow a highly disciplined nutrition plan and make the effort to keep your daily calories consistent.

Don't worry if your daily calories are a little erratic. Just take the average of the 4-5 days you tracked and consider that your current caloric intake per day.

From there your task is simple: reduce that value by 300-500 calories and that is how many calories you will want to eat on a daily basis from that point forward.

Nine times out of ten when people seem to hit a plateau it is simply because their body's caloric need for maintenance has dropped in accordance with their fat loss and a simple drop in calories will do the trick to get them back to furthering their results.

I realize this may sound extremely rudimentary, but it really will empower you to:

Blow past your next (or current) fat loss plateau so you can continue progressing toward your goals.
I'm not going to go into the more advanced fat burning strategies today, other than to say that if you've tracked your calories and don't feel like reducing them further is feasible, you have three options:

1. Increase the amount of time you're devoting to cardio each week
2. Increase the intensity of the cardio you're doing
3. A combination of 1 and 2 (best option)

Once you've exhausted these options and you're not willing to reduce your calories further, and you've maxed out on the amount of cardio you're willing to do (or on the amount of cardio that your schedule allows for), it is at this point that a more refined approach will be required.

So try not to over-think things too much. If your fat loss has stopped, don't freak out and think you've hit an insurmountable fat loss plateau.

In most cases this is just an indication that a reduction in calories is necessary, which can be achieved by simply consuming fewer and/0r burning more.

To sum everything up, this straightforward strategy for overcoming almost any fat shedding plateau looks like this: Ascertain how many calories you're eating per day. Drop them by 300 to 500. Increase the calories you're burning through exercise. Or, for the best results, reduce your daily calories consumed by 300 to 500 and increase the amount of calories you're burning through exercise.

Getting over fat burning plateaus does not have to be a big deal.

About the Author: Craig Leonard runs with a common sense approach. Whether you want to read about clean eating or be motivated by others' fat loss success, Craig has you covered.

Keywords: Fat Loss Plateaus, Fat Loss, Losing Fat, Losing Body Fat, Fat Loss Advice, Fat Loss Tips

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