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The following article was published in our article directory on January 13, 2014.
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The 3 Deadly Turnoffs For Women

Article Category: Dating

Author Name: J. Ryu

There are 3 turnoffs for women you can do that will definitely and thoroughly DESTROY your possibilities with ALL girls.

Even if you look like Channing Tatum, built like Thor, and croon like Bieber, doing any one of these 3 lethal sins will instantaneously and thoroughly make you one of the untouchable. Even if you are charming, witty, and managed to open up the girl and have a pleasurable conversation, showing even a trace of any of these deadly sins will make all your efforts pointless.

Women like to talk. Furthermore, they love to discuss men. And when they chat about men, the discussion unavoidably turns into an all out men-bashing session. Women have a long checklist of qualities, attributes, and traits that they DESPISE in guys. It's a miracle that the human race is able to propagate if you pay attention in on some of these sessions.

There are numerous little things that guys do that annoy the heck out of girls. These are little quirks that they endure and live with. There are 3 main motifs that are harmful sins, however. These 3 things are identified as deadly sins since they're total deal breakers and will definitely KILL your chances with girls, especially attractive women.

1) Surrendering your status/pride for her attention and approval.

Have you ever fell for a girl so hard that you would be ready to do anything to get her? Including acting like somebody you're not, or even worse, swallowing your dignity because she would like you to? You thought this would help increase your chances with the girl or get her to like you a bit more. You figured the girl would acknowledge and appreciate your efforts on her behalf, even to the point of debasing your value.

ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IS FURTHER FROM THE HONEST TRUTH! Girls, particularly beautiful women, that have many chumps like you at her beck and call, will certainly not appreciate your efforts to debase yourself to please her. She'll simply take you for granted and expect you to continuously please her. Unfortunately, her attraction level towards you will never reach critical mass.

Girls absolutely loathe it, either knowingly or subconsciously, when a guy does something to demonstrate that he'll give away his power and ego for her approval. This action basically lowers a guy's value, and as we know, precisely what attracts a woman to a guy is his perceived value. If you decrease your value for anything, even for her, you will as a matter of fact decrease her attraction level towards you.

2) Acting needy, clingy, and insecure.

It's Biology: when an organism clings to another organism because it needs something, it is called parasitism. The clinger is called a parasite and the clingee is called the host. Naturally, this is not a mutually beneficial relationship and the host rejects the parasite.

The same thing occurs in the male-female interaction. If a man clings to a woman psychologically and acts desperate, the girl will naturally reject that parasite. Have you ever before had a woman cling to you? It is very much like stalking and it is frightening. This is lack of confidence at its worst, and we also know that girls are attracted to guys with CONFIDENCE.

If you eventually secure a date with that cutie you are hopelessly in love with, will you let her out of your sight for two minutes? Will you let her stray off and talk to her guy friends? Won't you be unsure and insecure and desperately seek her approval?

Congratulations, you just thoroughly turned her off and you will NEVER, EVER get a 2nd chance.

3) Attempting to get her to lead

"What would you like to do?".

"Where do you want to eat?".

"Where do you want to go?".

Girls naturally will not attempt to lead, so if you attempt to follow somebody that does not lead, the interaction is doomed to fail. Worse, this following mindset comes from a general absence of confidence and insecurity. If a guy can not lead, how can he support his wife and kids?

If you cannot take the interaction by the reins and control the situation as a man, women will right away smell your insecurity and refuse you. Besides, most women would like to be spoiled and led by a man in control, a man of high value and self-confidence.

About the Author: For many more awesome pickup artist techniques, tips, tricks, and/or secrets on seducing women, visit:

Keywords: 3 biggest turn offs for women, turn off for women, what turns off women

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