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The following article was published in our article directory on December 19, 2013.
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Who Wants To Make Money Online or Work From Home?

Article Category: Jobs

Author Name: Kevin Lyle

Yeah, I know, Rather a silly question eh?

But at the end of the day this is the question that most people are asking themselves or are searching for the magic formula to drop into their laps to allow them to make money online. But the simple truth is..that


Well not without having a decent plan to follow and I'm not talking about a cheap plan that you may have come across by some guy promising the earth for a small fee of $20 to $30.

There are plenty of crooks out there who will promise you the earth in the hope that you will be desperate enough to make you buy from them. The sort of guy selling these sort of plans are usually someone who you just cannot rely on to be there to hold your hand or to answer the many questions that a newbie is likely to ask..

Then there are the outright scam artist who's sole purpose in life is to part you from your hard earned cash! It's really frustrating but the sad fact is that most of the so called home business plans are little more than over blown stories of how a few people might have earned money at some point maybe a few years ago. It all becomes a game of chance where very few of the people ever make money online. In fact most of the time many people lose money hand over fist because they are always trying to play catch up and will jump from one money making scheme to another in the vein hope that the new plan will work better than the previous one because they don't want to fail.

Does that sound like you? or maybe someone you have heard of?

Here at Marketing Methods That Work .Com we are concerned with looking at various ways of Marketing whether that maybe online marketing or offline. But we do from time to time come across schemes that do seem to work for a number of people. The thing is there are no schemes or plans that require you doing one single thing to make money online. There are probably 5 or 6 steps that you will need to perform in order to make money online.

I know I have been that man, I have tried to make money online for years and I certainly remember naively buying a website from someone who told me that all I needed to do was to send traffic to the website and I'll make money. But that's all he told me. He never explained how I was to do this, ok I appreciate that he did give me a few small tips like to make sure my new website was registered with the search engines! and to advertise but that's about it.

Ok with hindsight I was really wet behind the ears. But once you have been online for a few years you do pick up exactly what you need to do. But learning all that takes time. There are half a dozen steps to go through to get the website off the ground. Then you need to repeat the same processes over and over again. Then you need to ensure that your website proves itself by adding useful content to its pages. In addition to this you also need to building links, but rarely does anyone tell you exactly how to do that. So do you see my point now? It's almost like learning to run, firstly you have to learn to stand on your own, then you can learn to walk and maybe then you can learn to run. You must go through these steps in order to achieve your final objective.

All the above mentioned steps take time and money. You can do it yourself or you can buy the services of someone to do these tasks. Personally I would suggest that people do learn each of the steps themselves because it is better that you understand how each part works, then you move to the next step until you have mastered them all. The once you have got that far then you can possible set up new streams of income or to build new websites in order to sell them(flip them). In fact once you have started to make money online you will be able to outsource many of the time consuming reputable steps that are without doubt the secret to making money online.

I am now a firm believer in following recommendations either made by people who you trust or to follow a method taught by people who have been doing the same steps or using the same system for a number of years with success.

I would suggest a system such as BestHomeBizGuide

This system is run by a group of like minded individuals who have started from scratch and have learned for themselves exactly what works and what doesn't. In addition they have been doing this for a good number of years and had proven to themselves and others that their system works and that providing you put the required amount of effort in that you will be making money online. This is in fact another way in which people fail , they simply don't maintain the required work levels or they get bored or fed up, who can say but this does happen very often.

I will say just one more thing before I close and that will be to start small and slowly expand your empire as you learn and don't move onto another subject until you have mastered the current one. This in my book is the only way to learn.

The Affiliate Power Group is the Best Home Biz Guide That I speak about and one which I openly promote, I have been a member of the affiliate power group for a number of years now and I can guarantee that you will get value and you can begin earning money almost straight away if you promote there services, then you can learn the ropes as you go without many of the added pressures that could be there if you couldn't earn a small amount as you go.

About the Author: Kevin Lyle is an expert when it comes to making money online. To find out more about making money online, visit his website at

Keywords: making money online, the best home biz guide, work from home, make money online

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