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The following article was published in our article directory on October 31, 2013.
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The Pillars of Internet Marketing and the Power of Understanding the Mind

Article Category: Internet

Author Name: Rupert Mamby

Internet marketing is not as simple as a lot of people promote it to be. It is a practice that requires a lot of strategy and meticulous attention. It takes a strong foundation to have a successful marketing program specifically for doing business over the internet. For many businesses, this is the key to growing their customer base and increasing profits.

In one online discussion about internet marketing, the following pillars were cited: forming relationships with the audience, proper copywriting, delivering great content, and having something worth selling. All these pillars should be present to keep the company's online initiatives going.

This particular discussion effectively demonstrated how they take advantage of internet marketing strategies. Creatively inserted into their discussion on these pillars are compelling offers for a newsletter subscription that gives even more detail about effective marketing on the internet. When the readers click on the link to subscribe to the newsletter, they succeed in making a sale.

Powerful internet marketing messages have a way of getting into the readers' minds. According to Richard Skinulis, a content writer for Reader's Digest, there is such a thing as neuro-marketing which is a type of marketing that taps into the brain's psychological activities. This theory started roughly around 2004 when marketers more aggressively sought information about what goes on in their consumer's minds. This paved the way for campaigns that appeal to the consumer's innermost desires.

The studies that prove this theory involved the exposure of respondent to commercials, products, and marketing materials. While this is ongoing, an FMRI or a Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging machine scans the brain. The machine reads the triggers of the emotions felt by the respondents. If the person becomes really interested in what he is seeing, the images in the FMRI turns a dark scarlet. This color is believed to represent the part in the brain that is interested in money matters. The color fades as the person loses interest. Such information allows marketers to pinpoint exactly where their marketing materials start to lose their audience's attention.

While normally, marketers go to questionnaires or other forms of audience participation for gathering information, this marketing strategy allows access to the central nervous system, bypassing the conscious thought.

There are still doubts about the accuracy of this type of marketing research, it's still questionable especially since some other parts of the brain serve as triggers for various types of emotions as well. Undeniably though, it is showing a great deal of success.

Skinulis included a list of examples in his article. These include stories about the research investment of various companies, from Frito Lays down to Coca Cola versus Pepsi. Some are already gaining benefits from their research venture. While Skinulis didn't include any test results about internet marketing using neuro-marketing, this strategy has not gone unnoticed in the eyes of marketing strategists.

The possibilities are endless in the online world. You only need to know where you want to go and what you want to achieve. Establish the pillars of internet marketing and understand the way your audience makes their purchase decisions. When you do this, you have the best chance of succeeding in your internet marketing initiatives for your business.

About the Author: Rupert Mamby is an expert when it comes to Internet Marketing. To find out everything about Domains, Hosting for WordPress Beginners, visit his website at

Keywords: wordpress for beginners, domains, hosting, internet marketing

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