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The following article was published in our article directory on October 23, 2013.
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As a business owner you should really always be looking for ways to grow your business.

Article Category: Business

Author Name: Craig Ridley

Why? Without growth your small business is at risk of being over taken by your competitors, your team will start to run out of challenges to keep them inspired, your profits will slide as costs rise, your business will not grow in value and most importantly, you will not be reaching your business potential.

As a professional business coach I follow a 5 step system for achieving growth in the businesses of my clients:

1. Increase the number of customers that come into your business.
2. Increase the number of times every customer buys from you.
3. Increase the amount every customer spends each time they buy from your company.
4. Increase the profit margins on the products and services your customers buy from your business.
5. Build a high performance business model by increasing the effectiveness of every business process to minimize waste and lessen the requirement for you to be there 24/7.

I have discovered time and again that if you are able to make modest improvements in each of these 5 profit drivers in your business, you will drive substantial growth in your bottom line profit and in your business value.

In my business coaching module regarding this 5 step system I lay out 25 strategies you can use today to grow your business:

1. Develop one or more unique core differentiators to make your small business stand out from the crowd
2. Take advantage of the power of the telephone to optimize the value of every client contact
3. Systemize your sales process to optimize conversion rates
4. Use market research to ensure you actually understand your market place and your customers
5. Plan your promotion activities rather than leaving things to the last minute and throwing away money
6. Classify your clients and tailor your sales and marketing strategies to each segment
7. Find ways to ask you customers to return-- sounds easy doesn't it, but do you do it now?
8. Provide awesome service-- always!
9. Finds ways to nurture your customers and make them feel significant
10. Get customer feedback and use it to improve your service levels
11. Cross sell from your product range
12. Upsell products and services once your customer has committed to a purchase
13. Bundle products and services to create a much higher perceived value
14. Use the smartest merchandising techniques you can find
15. Never, never, never discount your prices-- did I make myself clear there?
16. Identify your low margin customers and send them packing-- preferably send these people to your competitors!
17. Consistently look for waste and inefficiency in your business and find ways to eliminate or minimize it
18. Develop a vision for your small business and plan to reach it
19. Understand the Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats in your business and use this knowledge to build a better business model
20. Find the time to work on your business rather than getting stuck inside the business every day
21. Systemize all of your business processes to drive efficiency and leverage your team
22. Build an effective team
23. Embrace change
24. Use the power of synergy to apply all of these business improvement strategies at the same time to turbo charge your business growth
25. Find a business coach or advisor to keep you committed to a business improvement program

I hope you can look at this list of 25 concepts and see that none of them are impossible to apply to your business.

In my 25 years experience as a business coach I have used all of these ideas in practically every type of business and industry group you can think of-- and I know that they will work in your business if simply just commit to them.

Start now and you will be astonished at the results you could achieve.

About the Author: Craig Ridley is a business coach helping entrepreneurs increase sales, improve profit and grow their small business.

Keywords: small business,business coaching,entrepreneur,increase sales,improve profit,grow your business,business growth,create wealth,business success,sales and marketing,business improvement,business video,business management,business operations,business planning,business startup,leadership,online business,staff management

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Each article you submit at is sent through our innovative Article Distribution System to our network of more than 1840 publishers - about 55% of them are high-quality article directories, 30% of them are niche blogs and 15% of them are other content-rich websites.

To achieve the best possible success we only publish your article to most related websites. This means your article will show up on approximately 640 - 880 most related websites which will give you great SEO results.

We also offer a separate Professional Article Writing Service to everyone who's looking for high quality web content and well researched unique articles.

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