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The following article was published in our article directory on October 23, 2013.
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What Is Internet Marketing?

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Megan Ceniceros

What is Internet Marketing?

The basic definition that you will get in Webster or any online dictionary is the uses of the internet to deliver promotional marketing messages to consumers.
Any business can be involved in online marketing, and there is a lot of advertisement and marketing strategies you may come across that people are marketing online, the #1 place being social media sites.
Whether we like to admit or not majority of people spend their days, browsing through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Myspace, Google + and whatever else is out there. So, you can understand why it is an ideal place to market, right? Marketing in general is about getting your content in front of as many people as possible.

How Can You Make Money From Internet Marketing?
There are a lot of services and products that people are offering on the internet, so my only advice to you is to be careful. And by no means am I saying that everything out there is a scam, because a lot of times people will label something as a scam because they didn't become a millionaire or make money from the product or service they were offering to others. In all internet marketing businesses there is a referral process where you get paid and create a downline. There really is no other way to put it, and some people automatically like to think "pyramid scheme."
But really if you think about it and imagine it visually, isn't Corporate America a pyramid scheme? But that is another topic for another day.
So back to the topic on hand, you will have to make an initial investment of somesort anything from: time, to a $1, a couple hundred, or maybe even thousands. It all depends on how serious you are about your business, and how much you want to make. And with that investment you are receiving a product or a service, and in turn you get a commission or a percentage when someone is referred or signed up under you. All commissions work differently, you would have to check out your company's or the company you are interested in, commission video and/or concept.
So just for the sakes of example with Empower Network you get 100% commissions their products. So they offer a $25, $100, $500, $1000, and $3000 product. All of their products literally teach you how to be an effective marketer and how to use the education they teach you in any business, and of course you have the option of being an affiliate. At the $25 and $100 level they are residual, meaning affiliate receive those commissions EVERY MONTH! So if you get 10 referreals at the $25 level that is $250 EVERY MONTH you will be receiving. Let's just say half of those 10 referrals get the $100 product too. That is $750 EVERY MONTH you are receiving. So, you can see how money adds up quickly in Empower Network and other affiliate and mlm programs.

I love internet marketing and came into this world in March of 2013. It is a business that I have grown to love and has become my passion. I love teaching others and giving as much value as I can.

Another question to ask yourself is...Is Internet Marketing For Me?

If you are someone who is looking for an overnight success story, then I suggest you look the other way. Because Internet Marketing is a business, not a J-O-B (just over broke), and you have to work at it. Play around with things and your going to get knocked down a few times, but what matters is how many times you get back up.
Now, don't let that scare you but it is the truth. If you are scared of a little hard work and effort than the answer is clear NO this business is not for you, but if you are willing to put in the work because you know in the end it will be justified and worth it, then you've found your calling. You have to be willing to learn and invest in yourself; NEVER DENY YOURSELF EDUCATION.

Find a mentor and learn from them and do exactly what they tell you to do. What so often happens, me being a mentor myself, is someone will come in and say they are willing to do what it takes, but then Quit. They quit because they put a time limit on their success, and that is subconsciously setting yourself up for failure.
"98% of your skillset comes from your mindset"

My Advice To You

Do your research, and find a company that you truly believe in with your whole heart and that you want to invest yourself into. The reason I say "believe in" is because you are going to make mistakes and you can either choose to QUIT, or PRESERVER. Those that preserve have a passion and love what they do. If you don't love what you do, you'll quit. And you'll be one of the ones to call it a SCAM. So do your research, and then GET IN and Make Some Money

To find this original article and other related content go to

About the Author: Megan Ceniceros is an expert when it comes to INTERNET MARKETING. To find out everything about INTERNET MARKETING, visit her website at


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I got in online biz more than 2 years ago but I got nowhere - until I found your service a couple of months ago, that is. Now I am getting really strong in the lose-weight niche and I can't wait to see where this online business takes me. Tnx so much!!
Harold Brown