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The following article was published in our article directory on September 17, 2013.
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What and Who is God?

Article Category: Religion

Author Name: Mark de Jongh

What and Who is God?

Let us start by looking at the meaning of the word 'god'. The word 'god' means different things to different people and religions, but the basic meaning is; 'an object of worship'. So in order for someone or something to become a 'god', it or they would have to become an object of worship. So the word 'god' is not a name but a title!

A number of years ago there was this young boy that had an obsession with eating the rubbers off of pencils. He even went as far as to eat the rubber off of a bicycle peddle. After the doctor examined him and did some tests the results revealed that he lacked sulphur, which is found in rubber. Now the point is that there was something inside of the young boy that was calling out for sulphur. So, in order for there to be a calling for sulphur, there had to first be sulphur to call for. This goes back to the historic attribute within mankind to want to worship something or someone. Why?

The fact is that the human is sculptured in such a way that he or she will always worship something. It might be your wife, it might be your husband, it might be your job, it might be your car, but the attribute with mankind to worship something has been in us since the beginning of time. The fact that you are asking, "What and Who is God" – just as that young boy was subconsciously asking, "Where can I find sulphur" – means that there must be a God to satisfy that cry within you!

Who is God, or What is God, and Where do I find him? In other words, Who or What is this 'Object of Worship'. Next question is, "How can you prove that this is the true God" Then, "Where does the Bible fit into the picture"

Let us not worry too much about What and Who is God right now. Let's take a look at the universe and the solar system that we exist in. There is a perfect law that is currently governing everything. For example, we can mathematically work out the exact times of the high and the low tides for the next ten thousand years. Why? Because there is some form of intelligence that has set this law into action. So, what is this intelligence, and where does it come from? We could start debating that it is the result of the 'Big Bang' where particles collided and our galaxy was formed in an instant. Sure, but the ever confounding question is, "where did these particles come from?"

What most people do not realise is that the "Big Bang or evolution" is in fact a religion, because it needs a level of belief, which means you need to have a certain type of a faith to believe in it. The fact is that the 'Big Bang' is in essence not very far of the truth.

Einstein himself understood that there is a greater power at work as seen in some of his following quotes:

• Every one who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe-a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble.
• The scientists' religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law, which reveals an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection.
• I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details.
• My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.
• God does not play dice with the universe.
• From a Jesuit Viewpoint, I am an Atheist - I received your letter of June 10th. I have never talked to a Jesuit priest in my life and I am astonished by the audacity to tell such lies about me. From the viewpoint of a Jesuit priest I am, of course, and have always been an atheist. - Albert Einstein, letter to Guy H. Raner Jr, July 2, 1945, responding to a rumor that a Jesuit priest had caused Einstein to convert from atheism; quoted by Michael R. Gilmore in Skeptic, Vol. 5, No. 2

The first thing that stands out is that fact that he understood that God is not a force, but a personality. It is generally understood that an atheist is one that does not believe that there is a God, however this is not entirely correct. If Einstein referred to himself as an atheist, why did he refer to God. This seems contradictory in light of the common understanding of the word atheist. I am not advocating atheism nor do I agree with it. I merely trying to put certain things into perspective and get you to understand that Einstein was an atheist relative to the theology of organised religion that has deceived us for centuries as the 'wolf in sheep's clothing'

Although Einstein was not an authority on What and Who is God, nor religion, in his own way he clearly acknowledged the existence of God as seen above. If you want to have greater understanding of science, Einstein is the way to go. But let us not get side tracked.

The reality is that there is a huge difference between church theology and God. In fact theology is a vehicle that will alimentally take you further away from God. God is not found in organised religion, nor is He interested in the doctrines of men. For a long time I believed that the Bible was not worthy to be regarded as an authority because the Catholic Church had changed it and rewritten many parts to suit it's own fables. If this were the truth, my argument would hold water, but if we look into the history books we find that this is not the case. It is in fact even worse. The church adopted the word of the papacy and the written scriptures were merely shelved for centuries. The power of state and church combined enabled this 'Dark Age' to prosper by taking the scriptures away from the people and investing all spiritual authority and guidance to the pope. This is however still the dominating power today

In future posts I will address how the truth was hidden from the people and the relevance of the different stages of history that eventually lead to the truth being put back into the hands of the people and the new battles that theologies have bought upon us in this modern age.

What we need to do is go back to where the supernatural has been the mainstay and where science could no longer provide an explanation as to why or how certain things happened. The miraculous is indeed something that not everyone will ever experience at a conscious level; however the miraculous takes place daily. We could argue that there are no such things as miracles and that it is just our own will or the power of positive thinking and give ourselves the credit for every good thing that has happened in our lives. But I am here as an individual, that has experienced and witnessed the supernatural taking place, to tell you that there is a Personality behind it all and that He wants to draw you closer to him, just as a man would want to woe unto himself a bride.

Let's get back to the question; What and Who is God?

We now understand that God is in fact not a name but really a title – 'object of worship'

So what was God before he became God?

I do not believe that it is humanly possible to truly understand the depth of God, because He himself is perfect Love. But to try illustrate this, I want you to stop for a moment, close your eyes and picture a fountain of pure love flowing over with life ..............................................................take a few moments an do this

What I want you take away from this post is that you come out of Love, and are in fact a living manifestation of perfect Love having a human experience. Before I get criticised on this let me explain. If God is perfect love, His thoughts are perfect and if He was mindful of you at a certain point in time (i.e. you are one of His thoughts) then are you not perfect love? – Well, yes and no!

This carnal shell called the flesh is far from perfect and subject to all sorts of negatives, but if the Spirit of God is inside of you, then you indeed become a vessel of perfect Love. But the biggest struggle God has is to try and get mankind to believe Him. As with all things in life there is a process. Take childbirth for example. Before the child is born there is a certain process. First there is water, then there is blood and then there is life. But even before this there is a receiving and a conception. This is the same with the spiritual. Everything in the natural is a reflection of the spiritual and not the other way around.

In my one of my next articles I will go through the significance of this process according to what is in the scriptures...
What and Who is God?

About the Author: Mark de Jongh is a level headed person who is well grounded with personal experience when it comes to the question, Who is God?. To find the 'middle of the road' answer to, Who and What is God?, visit this website at

Keywords: Who is God, What is God

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