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The following article was published in our article directory on September 21, 2013.
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The Law of Attraction: 3 Steps for Home Based Business Success

Article Category: Self Help

Author Name: Trinise L. Kennedy

Succeeding in business, in this digital information age, requires profound objectivity to concepts that are unfamiliar for traditional business. Concepts like awareness, consciousness and the Law of Attraction may seem totally unrelated to someone who is just starting their own home based business to promote a service or product.

In order to gain mastery of these concepts, it is imperative to get into the right frame of mind for success. The way you think and feel about your business is crucial to its survival. By the Law of Attraction, you will draw to your business the things and situations that match your thoughts and feelings about it.

The Law of Attraction: To Fail or Succeed in a Home Based Business

Many entrepreneurs run their businesses exactly like other business owners. However, it is widely known that 98% of business fail. Also of the ones that succeed, they do not usually show a profit until the fifth year in business. Then why are so many following the same useless business strategies as others?

The reason is that most businesses are run unconsciously. The owners may indeed be physically awake. But they are not aware that there is a different way to operate that business. They are unconscious to the fact that they do have options no matter how hopeless their business circumstances may appear.

To be unconscious means that you are following the 'status quo.' When you are unconscious, you are not questioning anything. You just go along with the pack and do what they do. But if a staggering 98% of business fail, isn't it time to switch gears and do something else that works?

The Law of Attraction for Home Based Business Success: Wishing and Acting

There is a saying that comes to mind, "You can't win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket!" While it is true that there is a very slim chance of winning the lottery, one needs to at least purchase a ticket to win it. Likewise you have to take action if you want your business to flourish.

Your wishes can serve as a form of inspiration. Wishing for a better life is something that is universally aspired for. Those in a home based business certainly wish to be profitable. Yet wishing is just the start. You definitely should have dreams. But make sure you take the steps to actually achieve them.

The Law of Attraction for Home Based Business Success: 3 Small Steps

Creating your own goals can assist you in reaching success with your home based business. It may be tempting to copy another entrepreneur's goal when you are unsure of yours. However, your goals must be personal to you. They should also be believable and in alignment with your thoughts and feelings. Yet they should challenge you to get out of your comfort zone.

Start out with small goals and increase them as you see results. Goal setting should have three key elements. Each goal should have a time frame, it should be specific and it should be measurable.

The first element uses a time marker as motivation. Your commitment to the goal should have an expiration date for you to shoot for. Adding a date to each goal also increases the chances of achieving it.

The second component is to clearly define the goal. This is so that it is easy for you to know when you have reached it. Goals must not be ambiguous. Knowing exactly what your goal is gives you a definite target to reach.

The third part is to break down the goal into smaller goals that can be measured over time. Smaller goals are easier for you to believe and achieve. You will build the confidence required to complete larger goals as well. As you track your results, you can make adjustments and better predict hitting your targets.

The Law of Attraction for Home Based Business Success: Getting Results

Let's say you would like to make an extra $2,000 within two months. So the big picture here is to make $2k in a span of sixty days. The main goal is very specific and measurable.

The second step is to break it down into smaller goals like making $250 a week instead of $2,000 in sixty days. Sounds easier to manage, right?

Determine the obstacles that may arise. A current lack of leads and customers are almost always the two biggest aspects that come into play. It is important to start visualizing yourself having plenty of customers and seeing yourself making sales.

Visualization can help to propel you directly towards your goals for your home based business. When you can clearly see your goals in your mind as well as you can on paper, then you are well on your way to seeing them become reality. Keep following the steps mentioned here and watch your business transform before your very eyes.

About the Author: Trinise L. Kennedy "Law of Attraction Goddess" is an expert on
the law of attraction success tips and strategies. To learn more about prosperity consciousness, go to:

Keywords: the Law of Attraction, law of attraction, how the law of attraction works, attract, attracting, vibrate, vibration, visualization, affirmations

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