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The following article was published in our article directory on August 14, 2013.
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Say 'So What!' To Cellulite With This DIY Beauty Treatment

Article Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

Author Name: David Pollock,

I can't count the number of times I have seen and heard women grumbling about a tiny bit of cellulite and watched it wipe the smile off of their beautiful faces. It's a shame. Women are beautiful in spite of a little extra fat under the skin. They are smart, strong, brave, fearless and so much more. I really want to help you fight cellulite, so you can feel more confident and embrace your inner power.

Here's how - cellulite is just a fancy word for fat cells that don't lay smoothly under the connective tissue, creating a lumpy look to the skin. It's not something that you get just by being overweight. A number of the thinnest, fittest women in the world have it. Celebrities get it. Even men get it. Go figure!

Studies have shown that cellulite is practically nonexistent in countries without industrialization. Scientists are now determining that the toxins and chemicals we are exposed to, in our industrial society, may play a large role in cellulite. Getting rid of it takes more than a change in diet and some serious cardio, it takes a full body detox to boost your lymph system and embracing a healthy lifestyle overall.

Flushing your lymph system will help flush the fatty deposits from our bodies. Also, increasing your muscle tone will help to burn off the fat that is creating the cellulite to begin with. This is not easy, nor is it fast. This is why many individuals have resorted to dangerous, body invasive surgeries like liposuction to get rid of the lumps and bumps they find unsightly.

Many spas offer cellulite reduction treatments like wraps. There's also an endless supply of anti-cellulite cream available at stores. Some may even be considering surgery. But, for those of us who prefer a safe, more natural solution-- I have the answer! Here is my favorite DIY (do it yourself) beauty treatment to battle cellulite.

Caffeine Cellulite Scrub

1/4 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup ground coffee
1/4 cup olive oil
2 teaspoons flaxseed oil
A few drops of peppermint essential oil

Combine all coffee and brown sugar together and use your hands to mix well. Combine the oils and add to the coffee and sugar mixture slowly. Be sure to thoroughly and evenly mix as you are combining all of the ingredients.

Now that you've got all of the ingredients mixed together, you can massage over any areas of concern using slow circular massaging motions. This is best done in a hot shower, when pores are open and you can rinse easily as this will get a bit messy.
Using a topical treatment like the one above, detoxing, increasing your cardio workout and embracing flowing exercises like yoga or tai chi can all help keep you cellulite-free for years to come.

And remember, although you do have some cellulite, it's not a big deal! It doesn't take anything away from your beauty, your brains or your personality. If you ever start to feel self-conscious about it, just slap on a smile and repeat after me: "Cellulite? So what!".

About the Author: David Pollock is a true beauty expert who has formulated products for some of the most recognized names in the business. He is a published author, radio personality and was named one of the "20 to Know" by Global Cosmetics. Subscribe to his newsletter or ask him a question at

Keywords: beauty, cellulite, DIY, natural, safe beauty

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