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The following article was published in our article directory on July 25, 2013.
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The Truth About Being Broke

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: David Kilburn

It's been a long time since I've been broke, but I can still remember exactly what it felt like. I can picture all the ugly details of the way I used to struggle: the empty bank account, the awkward moments, the feelings of despair.

And honestly, one particularly awkward conversation with my sister still plays clearly in my mind to this day:.

"Hey sis, I'm coming into town this weekend," she said innocently. "Maybe we could go grab dinner.".

"Ummm, let me think about that for a second." I struggled to find a tactful way to tell her that I couldn't afford it.

It's been about ten years since then, but at the time I was 22 years old and flat broke. And although I was going to school part time, I was living off a full-time job that only paid a whopping $9.15 an hour.

Bad Decisions Have Consequences.

Have I ever mentioned that I once bought a $22,000 car while making just a little over minimum wage? The resulting $500 monthly car payment meant that almost half of my take home pay was being spent on transportation. And by the time I realized what I had done, it was much, much too late. Since I had always had wonderful credit, I refused to let a car repossession ruin everything in one fell swoop. I was (and still am) stubborn. Instead of letting the car go, I struggled. This often meant that I didn't have the money to put gas in my car or to go to the doctor. And I certainly didn't have the money to go out to eat with my sister.

"Sorry, I don't have the money to go out to dinner," I said with shame and emotion I may never forget.

"You can't afford to go to Applebees ?!".

I could tell by my sister's tone that she thought it was ridiculous that I couldn't afford to eat at the cheesy neighborhood bar & grill. And honestly, I thought it was ridiculous too. Living so close to my means meant that I was always just one step away from disaster. One day off work, one prolonged sickness, or one unfortunate incident had the potential to leave me completely desolate. I knew that I had to change something. Unfortunately, I struggled to figure out where to start.

The Truth About Being Broke.

Shortly after realizing I couldn't afford to eat at Applebee's, I learned the truth about being broke. As much as I didn't like it, I was going to have to make some drastic changes in order to improve my situation. So, I sucked it up and moved back in with my parents. As sad and pathetic as that must've looked to outsiders, I knew that this was my chance to get on solid financial footing.

Since I no longer had to pay for living expenses, I used the opportunity to start paying additional car payments. I also began cleaning houses on the side while I went to school. I would often make $1,000 or even $1,500 payments on that stupid car, and I felt a sense of victory each and every time.

After a year or so at home, my car was completely paid off, and I pledged to drive it into the ground. Well, I ended up owning it for seven years before the events of getting married and having my first child necessitated a family-friendly (used) minivan. I still learned an important lesson from the whole ordeal. When I finally sold it, I was shocked to learn that it was only worth $2,500. I couldn't believe it! I cringed at the thought of all I had given up for that car. I had just spent several years of my life living like a pauper to own a car that lost 90 percent of its value in seven years. And, for what? The unfortunate truth is that I did it for no reason at all, except perhaps the opportunity to learn a lesson that I may never have learned otherwise.

What I Learned From Being Broke.

Being broke gave me an entirely different perspective on cash flow, debt and my own financial well-being. I learned that there was a big difference between looking like you have money and actually having money. I also learned about living within my means and the real-life consequences of unplanned purchases. And most importantly, I became willing to do anything and everything to make sure that I was never broke again. Once I was out of debt, I pledged to never let that happen again. I promised to rise above my situation and start with a clean slate. And I did.

Of course, things haven't gone perfectly since then. We've reigned things in over the past few year years, and we're now building wealth like never before. Here's what I learned from being broke:.

I was never going to get ahead while relying on one full-time job for my entire livelihood. I never really started making progress against my debt until I started picking up cleaning jobs on the side. I've learned that having one "job" means that you're only one step away from not having a job at all.
As I look back, I realize that I would probably be much better off if I had filed bankruptcy and taken the car back to the dealership. It would've taken time, but I would have eventually restored my credit rating back to its former glory.
Amazingly, I never once crunched the numbers to see what the real cost of buying that vehicle would be. Now that I've been broke, I realize how important it is to live below my means. And now that I make more money, I choose to live much further below my means that I really need to.
Life After Broke.

The truth about being broke is that it can be exhausting and demoralizing. And although that part of my life caused a lot of heartache and embarrassment, I'm so glad that I was able to learn all of those lessons firsthand. Now that I'm on the other side, I use those experiences as motivation to continue my quest for financial independence and security. And now when someone calls to ask me to dinner, I have a choice. And when I say no, it's not because I don't have ten dollars in my bank account or because I'm saving to pay my electric bill. It's because I've been broke and I want to make sure that I'm never broke again.

About the Author: David Kilburn is an expert when it comes to The Empower Network. To find out everything about Making Money From Home , visit his website at">.

Keywords: review of the empower network, empower network, making money from home, online business

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