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The following article was published in our article directory on December 6, 2013.
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Evolution of Aluminum Metals and the Aluminum Revolution of the Car Production Industry

Article Category: Automotive

Author Name: Cast Parts

Usually, auto parts are made of die cast aluminum alloys. Aluminum is the second most adaptable metal following steel. In the US alone, the aluminum businesses manufacture around $40 billion worth of goods every year.

Nearly one-quarter of this money is used to manufacture parts for vehicles. Auto parts created of aluminum such as pistons, wheel rims, radiators and cylinder heads make cars to be lighter, which results to lower fuel consumption and pollution levels. Other important places where die cast aluminum metal products are important are:

The airplane, motorcycle and automobiles manufacturing industries are increasingly utilizing aluminum for these transportation means. Even license plates are now made of die cast aluminum alloy. Even though sales for automobiles were lethargic in 2009, the quantity of aluminum for cars was up in the same year.

Car manufacturers are struggling to meet the fuel efficiency standards set by the government, they are increasingly looking at many strategies in lessening the weight of their products and one of those strategies is to use more and more aluminum parts. For instance, the car model Audi A8 has a body and axles that are made of aluminum.

Structures and Infrastructures have window frames, gutters, roofing and sidings, all of which are using aluminum. According to sources, the amount of construction material matters that were shipped in 2009 into Canada and the USA reached 1.8 billion kg in weight. Most of these materials are partly or wholly manufactured out of aluminum. Highway and farm building constructions are some of the beneficiaries of these materials.

Today, packaging beats the transportation business in the use of aluminum. The advantages of using aluminum for product packaging is that it is light and it effectively blocks light and water from coming in or passing through.

One good example to mention is the aluminum foil that people commonly utilize in the preparation and packaging of foods. Aluminum foil is also extensively used for keeping tablets and pills. Beverage cans and bottle coverings are usually made of aluminum.

Uses Aluminum is everywhere because most of the things that people are using have this ingredient. Electrical products such as phone lines, power line and light bulbs utilize this material. Health products such as aspirin, antacids, astringents and food additives contain aluminum.

Around the kitchen, apart from the cooking appliances, the metal utensils, pans and pots are create of aluminum alloys.

Automobile Safety for Car Users

Traditionally, car manufacturers were shying away from aluminum due to safety and cost concerns. But now that ultrasonic welding and other comparable methods are already available, automakers are changing this stance. Crash testing has proven that aluminum is the safest material for vehicles, frames, bodies and smaller structural auto parts.

Notwithstanding the favorable result of crash testing, some people in the car industry lament the fact that many manufacturers are unwilling to take the risk of producing all-aluminum cars.

About a requirement to develop mass-production assembly strategies in creating aluminum vehicles. Industry insiders challenge technology experts and manufacturers to come up with die casting strategies that support the aluminum revolution.

About the Author: Briana A. Bonjovi is an authority about American Hardware Parts and also these, Handles Parts.
More information on this website:

Keywords: Casting, Die Casting, Auto Parts, Metal Parts, Aluminum, Zinc, Lighting Parts, Box Parts, Motot Parts, Aerospace Parts, Military Parts, Bracket Parts

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