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The following article was published in our article directory on July 13, 2013.
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If She Just Wants To Be Friends, It's Time To Move On

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Jacob Becker

Walking away from a girl you care about is usually NEVER easy. In fact, it might be one of the more difficult things that life throws at us guys. This article is specifically about guys who are in love with a girl, but she just wants to be friends. She just doesn't have those feelings that have the makings of an intimate relationship. Regardless of your exact situation, it's time, my friend, to be strong and move on.

Still struggling with walking away? Let me ask you.... do you love this girl? Or are you selfish? As bad as you want to be with her, if she doesn't feel she can be happy in a relationship with you as more than friends, you're selfish if you still want her to be with you. If you weren't selfish and truly cared about her, you would want her to be HAPPY no matter what! If you truly love her and want her to be happy, then if that is with some other guy... sorry, pal, let her go! Besides, being in a relationship with someone that is truly invested in being together with you is 500x more fulfilling. You will NEVER get that from her. I have to break the bad news... she will never give you what you need. Sorry, man, if she just wants to be friends, it's time to move on, hopefully to bigger and better things.

Here are 5 things to do to move on....

1) Take the time to explain to her how you're feeling and why you are making this decision to stop spending time together.. "Sara, I have developed feelings for you and I know you only want to be friends, so for my own sanity, I think it's best if we don't hang out as much." And if she says "I don't understand why we can't just be friends," proceed to help her to understand how you came to this decision. Tell her that you will continue developing stronger feelings for her if you hang out and you feel you are really setting yourself up by continuing to spend time. It will not only help you move on from that situation, but it also gives her some level of closure.

2) Keep yourself busy. The human mind is a powerful thing and if you don't stay active, your mind is going to quickly wander and before long have you thinking about her and the situation (nope not that situation). Go to the gym, read a book, watch movies, hang out with your pals, spend time with your family. Your life isn't over, I promise. I understand there will certainly be a void, in some cases a huge void, but it doesn't change the reason you walked away in the first place. It's about being strong and respecting yourself. You shouldn't want someone who doesn't want you. Keeping busy helps you maintain this attitude. And besides... you two were NOT MEANT TO BE!! If you were, you would not have be going through all this!

3) Stop checking her Facebook already! Do not check her Twitter account. I forbid you to check her Instagram. Every time you text her, break one of your fingers. I'm not kidding. Do not contact her, my friend. You will get sucked back in so fast you won't even know what hit you. She doesn't, of course, want to stop hanging out because you give her attention and you're fun to be around. THAT DOESN'T MEAN SHE WANTS TO DATE YOU. She had it perfect before, you gave her lot's of male attention and she didn't even have to date you. Well, she needs to understand that for you to move on, it means you can't spend your week days texting with her or you evenings taking her to a comedy club. Trust me, pal, spend that time finding NEW girls. You have to trust me that they are out there!

4) That concert or event that you invited her to a few months ago. The one where you both were super drunk and she probably doesn't even remember but you've been thinking about it everyday? No, she isn't going. She doesn't even remember you were supposed to go boating and on vacation. Moving on means moving on. You can't tell her you are gonna move on, then go to a party with her. Not only do you look even weaker in her eyes and she starts not to respect what you say, you are just going back down the path of falling for someone who doesn't want to be with you. Again, moving on means moving on. If you literally cannot resist the temptation to contact her, I suggest you delete her number, un-friend her on Facebook, and stop following her on Twitter. Or, seriously, use the break my own fingers each time you call her method.... I haven't tried it but I would imagine it works pretty well.

5) Time to shift your focus to the future. Don't spend time thinking about what "could have been," if she only "gave me a chance." Does it sound like I'm in your brain? Well, that is because the human brain has a very similar thought process. And I'm sure you were obviously very into this person, so naturally we try and find reasons and justify continuing to pursue this person. I suggest looking ahead. Have you been wanting to focus more on your career? Been wanting to start a new business? Maybe you've been contemplating getting that internet company off the ground? It's time to do just that!!! Stop wasting your time thinking about the past!!! Shift your focus on the other important aspects of life and wait for your love life to take its course. Again, I realize this is easier said than done, but you are certainly capable of it. Mind over matter. It's time to move on to the next phases of your life.

Bottom line......... She isn't the ONE!!!! People are getting married way later in life. Gone are the days of getting married at 18 or 21. Waaaay more people are getting married late 20′s and mid 30′s. Why is that? I'm not totally sure, but either way it gives everyone more time to find the correct match. And not to settle with someone that isn't fully invested in dating you. I have been down this road, so I am speaking from experience. I am a good person who often finds himself on the short end of the stick. However, I respect myself. I want TRUE love, not half in, or fake love. And so should you! I'm telling you, you don't want to live your life with someone half in the game, it's no fun! Be strong and say goodbye to her, move on, and stop chasing pavement. Start your journey today, this minute, to finding someone who appreciates every ounce of you and wants nothing more than to spend every waking moment with you. I promise, you'll be happy you did. When you find her, it will change your life...! Good luck, my friend!!!

About the Author: Jacob is an entrepreneur, author, and blogger. However, most importantly to him, Jacob is family man. Also, he has a vision to help kids all over the world learn the skills of a businessman and become successful. Jacob is passionate about life and has a goal of helping as many people as possible! Connect with Jacob on the web at Success With Jake.

Keywords: how to move on from a girl, how to move on from her, how to stop loving her, if she just wants to be friends, it's time to walk away, lets just be friends, Moving on from her, she doesn't love me, she doesn't want to date, she just wants to be friends, walking away from her, relationships, find a girl, getting over a girl, lets just be friends, I don't have those feelings, I am not interested in dating, time to move on

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