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The following article was published in our article directory on July 13, 2013.
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Heart Rate Monitors and How to Use Them

Article Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

Author Name: Yaakov Bar Am

I get a kick out of tracking progress via numbers. It is in my very nature to track my progress for my fitness regime. And this is where Heart Rate Monitors come in.

There are all sorts of Heart Rate Monitors from really expensive ones to cheapies. They all do basically one thing; count heart beats.

Using a heart rate monitor can help assure that you are working your heart properly as you exercise. Monitoring your heart rate is the easiest way to keep yourself working in the right "zone," reducing your chance of injury and overtraining, and increasing the odds that you'll get the results you want.

Heart rate monitors can measure your cardiovascular and physiological stress during training sessions. They provide you with an accurate gauge of the intensity of an exercise, which is reflected in your heart rate. The harder you exercise, the higher the heart rate should go. When your heart rate changes, it's a sign that something is happening, which can be something good or something bad. In either case, having this information will allow you to properly react. By constantly monitoring your heart rate, you will learn to tell when your workouts are effective, when you are over or undertraining, and even when you may be getting sick and need to back off.".

"A heart rate monitor can only do one thing, count how many times your heart beats. Beyond this it uses calculations to estimate various things, like caloric burn and other factors that the device's marketing department thinks will make you more likely to buy one. The problem with these estimates is that they are very limited in scope, whereas humans are extremely complex.

Your Heart Rate Monitor tries to estimate anaerobic caloric burn using an algorithm. Problem is there are many different ways to load force and no way for the monitor to assess it. Simple examples are the amount of weight added to a movement, the percentage of maximal force used for explosion or a landing, which are virtually unnoticed by your heart (it's going as fast as it can already) but has great impact on your hormonal response. This can lead to staggering differences between what happened during a workout and what you're reading on your watch.".

With that being said, this article is not about the different type of Heart Rate Monitors or their inherent problems with calculating caloric burn. I want to explain to you how I use the information that is provided to me.

Let me Monitor the Ways.
During my weight training workouts, I track the number of reps and the weight used for each exercise, and my total caloric burn according to my Heart Rate Monitor. I use my caloric burn like a baseline. If I am struggling to even do what I did during the last workout (as reflected in the reps and weight used) and my caloric burn is up, then I know something is wrong.

For a cardio workout, I only track the total caloric burn, so each time I do that routine, I hope to achieve that same calorie burn or higher. The algorithm the Heart Rate monitor uses to calculate the caloric burn might not be 100 % accurate, but as long as that same algorithm is used time after time, it presents me with a good baseline.

I am very careful about my diet. I am trying to build muscle, so I have to eat enough to sustain my body, then add enough nutrients/calories for it to handle the workouts; then it needs extra to actually build the muscle. Right now, the program I am using assumes that each workout will burn around 600 calories. So I use the data from my Heart Rate Monitor to make sure I have burned enough calories with my workout, and my 3200 calories a day diet does not make me fat! If I am short on the calorie burn, I might do a supplemental workout later in the day to make sure I stay on track. Today, my burn for P90X2 P.A.P. Lower was 698. I am over my 600 projected burn, so I might have an extra piece of fruit or carb to make sure my body gets what it needs to help me build muscle.

Heart Rate Monitors-- Consistency, Consistency, Consistency.
Yes, each Heart Rate Monitor may use a different algorithm, and yes, it may not give you a 100 % correct calculation, but as long as you use the same device over time, you will establish a consistent measurement of your performance. If you make up your workouts as you go, this method won't work. You have to use the same routine(s). With a program like P90X or Insanity, you are using consistent routines, and these are ideal for tracking your progress, which puts a smile on the face of a guy like me.

Writing down that caloric burn and comparing it to previous workouts makes me happy. I see trends in my performance, and I really get off on pushing myself harder and harder just to write down those numbers. The harder I compete with myself the more it pays off. The daily exercise makes me a better person, helps my body stay young and strong, fends off the depression I have had for years, and let me tell you, it strokes the ego of a middle aged man when people tell me how good I look. Fill out those workout sheets, and track that calorie burn. Information is power.

Have a story about your Heart Rate Monitor? Tell us about it in the comment section.

Be well,.

yaakov ... Yaakov Bar Am-- Team Bar Am.

About the Author: Yaakov Bar Am is an independent Team Beachbody Coach and know a lot when it comes to heart rate monitors. To find out everything about heart rate monitors and fitness, visit his website at

Keywords: heart rate monitor, fitness, heart rate, exercise, team bar am

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