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The following article was published in our article directory on July 1, 2013.
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100 Greatest Headlines of Ever Written!

Article Category: Marketing

Author Name: Corey Henry

The 100 Greatest Headlines Ever Written!

If you've ever had to promote yourself or a product before, then you already know that a killer headline/title/subject line etc... is crucial to get the ball rolling.

Whenever I want to write a show-stopper headline that get's a potential reader excited about what come's next, I just refer to the "100 Greatest Headlines Ever Written" by Jay Abraham.

If this list and I guarantee the creative juices will overwhelm you!

Here comes the MAGIC!

1.The Secret of Making People Like You
2.A Little Mistake that Cost a Farmer $3,000 a Year
3.Advice to Wives Whose Husbands Don't Save Money — By a Wife
4.The Child who Won the Hearts of All
5.Are You ever Tongue-tied at a Party?
6.How a new Discovery made a Plain Girl Beautiful
7.How to Win Friends and Influence People
8.The last 2 Hours are the Longest — and those are the 2 Hours you Save
9.Who Else wants a Screen Star Figure?
10.Do you Make these Mistakes in English?
11.Why some Foods "Explode" in your Stomach
12.Hands that Look Lovelier in 24 Hours — or your Money back
13.You can Laugh at Money Worries — If you Follow this Simple Plan
14.Why some People almost always make Money in the Stock Market
15.When Doctors "Feel Rotten" this is what they do
16.It Seems Incredible that you can offer these Signed Original Etchings — For only $5 each
17. 5 Familiar Skin Troubles — Which do you want to Overcome?
18.Which of these $2.50 to $5 Best Sellers do you Want? — For only $1 each
19.Who ever Heard of a Woman Losing Weight — and Enjoying 3 Delicious Meals at the Same Time?
20.How I Improved my Memory in one Evening
21.Discover the Fortune that Lies Hidden in Your Salary
22.Doctors Prove 2 out of 3 Women can have more Beautiful Skin in 14 Days
23.How I made a Fortune with a "Fool Idea"
24.How Often do you Hear yourself saying "No, I haven't Read It: I've Been Meaning to!"
25.Thousands have this Priceless Gift — But Never Discover it!
26.Whose Fault When Children Disobey?
27.How a "Fool Stunt" made me a Star Salesman
28.Have you these Symptoms of Nerve Exhaustion?
29.Guaranteed to go through Ice, Mud, or Snow — Or we Pay the Tow!
30.Have you a "Worry" Stock?
31.How a new kind of Clay improved my Complexion in 30 Minutes
32. 161 Ways to a Man's Heart — In this Fascinating Book for Cooks
33.Profits that lie Hidden in your Farm
34.Is the Life of a Child worth $1 to you?
35.Everywhere Women are Raving about this Amazing New Shampoo!
36.Do You do any of these Ten Embarrassing Things?
37.Six Types of Investor — Which Group are You in?
38.How to Take Out Stains...Use (Product Name) and Follow these Easy Directions
39.Today... Add $10,000 to your Estate — for the Price of a New Hat
40.Does your Child ever Embarrass You?
41.Is your Home Picture-Poor?
42.How to Give your Children extra Iron — these 3 Delicious ways
43.To People who Want to Write — But can't get Started
44.This Almost-Magical Lamp lights Highway Turns before you make them
45.The Crimes we Commit Against our Stomachs
46.The Man with the "Grasshopper Mind"
47.They Laughed when I sat down at the Piano — But when I started to Play!
48.Throw away your Oars!
49.How to do Wonders with a little Land!
50.Who else wants Lighter Cake — In half the Mixing Time!
51.Little Leaks that Keep Men Poor
52.Pierced by 301 Nails...Retains full Air Pressure
53.No more Backbreaking Garden Chores for Me — Yet Ours is now the Show-Place of the Neighborhood!
54.Often a Bridesmaid, Never a Bride
55.How much is "Worker Tension" costing your Company?
56.To Men who Want to Quit Work Someday
57.How to Plan your House to Suit Yourself
58.Buy no Desk — Until You've seen this Sensation of the Business Show
59.Call Back these Great Moments at the Opera
60."I Lost my Bulges — and Saved Money, too"
61.Why (Brand Name Bulbs) give more light this Year
62.Right and Wrong Farming Methods — And Little Pointers that will Increase Your Profits
63.New Cake-Improver gets you Compliments Galore!
64.Imagine Me...Holding an Audience Spellbound for 30 minutes
65.This is Marie Antoinette — Riding to Her Death
66.Did you ever see a "Telegram" From your Heart?
67.Now any Auto Repair Job can be "Duck Soup" for You
68.New Shampoo leaves your Hair Smoother — Easier to Manage
69.It's a Shame for You not to make Good Money — When these Men do it so easily
70.You Never saw such Letters as Harry and I got about our Pears
71.Thousands now Play who Never thought They Could
72.Great New Discovery kills Kitchen Odors Quick! — Makes Indoor Air "Country-Fresh"
73.Make this 1-Minute Test — Of an Amazing new kind of Shaving Cream
74.Announcing...the New Edition of the Encyclopedia that Makes it Fun to Learn Things
75.Again she orders... "A Chicken Salad Please"
76.For the Woman who is Older than she Looks
77.Where You can Go in a Good Used Car
78.Check the Kind of Body you Want
79."You Kill that Story — Or I'll Run You Out of the State"
80.Here's a Quick way to Break up a Cold
81.There's Another Woman Waiting for Every Man — And She's too Smart to have "Morning Mouth"
82.This Pen "Burps" before it Drinks — But Never Afterwards!
83.If You were Given $200,000 to Spend — Isn't this the Kind of (type of product, but not brand name) You would Build?
84.Last Friday...was I scared!– My Boss almost Fired me!
85. 76 Reasons Why it would have Paid You to Answer our Ad a few Months ago
86. Suppose This Happened on Your Wedding Day!
87.Don't let Athlete's Foot "Lay You Up"
88.Are they being Promoted Right over Your Head?
89.Are We a Nation of Lowbrows?
90.A Wonderful two Years' Trip at Full Pay — But only Men with Imagination can Take it
91.What Everybody Ought to Know...About this Stock and Bond Business
92.Money-Saving Bargains from America's Diamond Discount House
93.Former Barber Earns $8,000 in 4 months as a Real Estate Specialist
94.Free Book — Tells you 12 Secrets of Lawn Care
95.Greatest Gold Mine of Easy "Things-to-Make" ever Crammed into one Big Book
96. $80,000 in Prizes! Help us Find the Name for these New Kitchens
97.Now! Own Florida Land this Easy way...$10 Down and $10 a Month
98.Take any 3 of these Kitchen Appliances — for only $8.95 (values up to $15.45)
99.Save 20 cents on Two Cans of Cranberry Sauce — Limited Offer
100. One Place Setting Free for every Three you Buy!

About the Author: Corey Henry is an expert when it comes to online marketing who spends his time helping others to become successful online marketers. To find out more about online marketing, visit his website at

Keywords: headlines,how to write a good headline,100 greatest headlines ever written,100 headlines,100 greatest headlines of all times,how to write an effective headline

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