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The following article was published in our article directory on June 29, 2013.
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Wilderness Survival Skills

Article Category: Culture

Author Name: D R Brooks Smith

Everyone at some point in their lives begins to wonder what they would do were they to become lost in the woods or stranded on a desert island. However, by learning a few wilderness survival skills, you can do your part to make sure that you can do more than just wonder.

Here are a few things to consider when preparing for a trip outdoors.

When they imagine themselves trapped in the wilderness is what they would do were they to become injured, one of the first things people think of. With a quality first aid kit, you can work wonders for keeping yourself or someone else stabilized and comfortable until help arrives.

Basic first aid kits often consist of bandages, disinfectant, antibiotics, and other essentials, while more complex first aid kids contain everything from syringes and tourniquets to wound irrigation systems. It's also a good idea to equip your first aid kit with extra doses of any medication you may be on, just to be safe.

When it comes to wilderness survival skills is the issue of food, another common problem.
While in many climates it's easy to forage for various edible plants, flowers, mushrooms, berries, and nuts, it's a good idea to carry a field guide if you plan on foraging this way. If finding food in the wild isn't your strong suit, you can learn the merits of packing wisely. One of the best wilderness survival skills is the art of packing a backpack with everything you need in a way that doesn't result in you lugging around a heavy bag the entire trip.

With the invention of freeze dried and dehydrated meals, it's easy to carry portable, easy to prepare meals wherever you travel.

Finally, navigating your way through the woods is one of the most crucial wilderness survival skills.

Marking trails, remembering landmarks, cutting away undergrowth, and performing other tricks to keep yourself from becoming turned around is an important part of interacting with the wild. This is why compasses, maps, flashlights, and emergency flares are all common items to pack for any lengthy camping or hiking trip.

These are only a few things to consider when planning your next camping, hunting, or hiking trip. By staying prepared, you have already done your part to ensure that your trip goes smoothly, allowing you to enjoy nature without worry. Learn more about wilderness survival skills today!

If finding food in the wild isn't your strong suit, you can learn the merits of packing wisely. One of the best wilderness survival skills is the art of packing a backpack with everything you need in a way that doesn't result in you lugging around a heavy bag the entire trip.

Learn more about wilderness survival skills today!

About the Author: Retired teacher and graphic artist. Veteran US Army and USNR. Teaching experience in several venues. Prolific hobbyist and motor enthusiast. For more information on this subject, click here.

Keywords: prepper,prepping,survival,wilderness,disaster,apocalypse,survival

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