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The following article was published in our article directory on June 21, 2013.
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The NSA Scandal May Sober Gold and Silver Investors

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Dr. Jeffrey Lewis

The breaking of the most up to date National Security Agency Scandal almost assures there will be no justice for silver and gold entrepreneurs from the CFTC.

Probably, precious metal entrepreneurs will eventually get yet an additional discouraging denial from the CFTC that adjustment alreadies existing in the silver market, when the focused positions and large dealing size of the significant users strongly suggest otherwise.

If it is ever before discovered that there is no legal precedent to sustain a case versus these increasingly brazen market manipulators, then it will just be a lot more evidence that the UNITED STATES justice system is hopelessly splintered in to normally preferring the rich over those much less fortunate.

Breakdown of Institutional Trust

Also bigger compared to the considerably possible future U.S. Buck dilemma, is the also better institutional dilemma of confidence that is spreading out together.

This self-confidence disintegration is being magnified as the Dollar's powerful supremacy as the globe's reserve money is progressively being cracked away at by its economic and political adversaries, including China, Russia and Iran.

Such increasing skepticism in the Dollar's typical reserve currency standing appears the best threat to assurance in paper money. Inevitably this must result in a currency catastrophe, which is constantly traumatic and political in nature.

The rate of traditional financial metals like silver and gold need to then rise to load the gap in self-confidence.

Silver, Gold, LIBOR, CURRENCY, Equities, Bonds, Fed Funds Rate

The control of cash seems more egregious compared to a violation in personal privacy like that recently dedicated by the NSA.

Primarily, without a fair and civil value transmission procedure in the gold and silver market, the excellent bulk of capitalists are being eventually robbed of a property much more precious than silver, gold or diamonds. They are denied of their useful time that was invested gaining the money they are investing.

Conspiracy Reality Versus Conspiracy Concept

The NSA whistleblower Scandal discloses 2 supporting truths for the view that nothing will be provided for the sake of the great majority by quiting control in the silver and gold market.

The very first unpleasant indication was the handling of the NSA whistleblower. He is currently established by the (far much less compared to free press to be guilty of treason long ahead of formal justice might be offered.

The mainstream media seems to be driving the standpoint on the public that this crime is either harmless or somewhat a worthwhile zealous sacrifice. People are being maneuvered in to justifying the NSA's unpleasant personal privacy invasion away.

The Practically Unpreventable Return to Value

The precious metals remain the greatest risk to the entire paper and electronic financial system, with its trillions in responsibilities and virtually a quadrillion in derivatives based on that fundamentally pointless money system.

If precious metal rates were to rise, or all sudden numerous claims can be found in instantly with a gigantic short covering and industrial individual panic, then the ensuing scandal would disperse far and wide, maybe threatening assurance in the whole monetary system.

Silver and gold costs will at some point return to their real worth-- if absolutely nothing greater than simply a weight to the violent expansion of debt based fiat money. However, to expect the authorities-- who were when capable already recorded-- to act to secure entrepreneurs against the manipulators regretfully seems to be bordering on the ignorant.

For additional information similar to this, and/or for a breath of fresh silver market reality amidst the stink of rejection and technically meaningless short-term rate obsessed madness, look into

About the Author: For more articles like this, and/or for a breath of fresh silver market reality amidst the stench of denial and technically meaningless short term price obsessed madness, check out Silver Coin Investor

Keywords: NSA scandal, gold and silver investors, gold and silver, silver investing, silver conspiracy

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