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The following article was published in our article directory on June 15, 2013.
Learn more about SpinDistribute Article Distribution System.
Article Category: Advice
Author Name: Corey Henry
What is Article Marketing?
Article marketing is an awesome way to promote a product,service, website, blog etc...
Don't over complicate the answer to this question. The answer actually lies in your question
"What is Article Marketing?"
Article marketing just means marketing yourself as an expert in whatever topic you choose by providing valuable information.
This particular form of marketing is...
-Highly reliable
-Very effective
-Absolutely Free
Article marketing is a very easy to learn and useful skill IF and only if you know how to do it. Here's how you can get started with article marketing today.
Writing Your Article
Article Marketing Tip #1: Compelling Title
This is the most important aspect of any marketing campaign whether it be article marketing or otherwise. The golden rule is to tell readers what the article is about and tell them quickly - within the first three or four words if possible. It needs to be attention grabbing and compel a potential reader to want to read the rest of the article. If your writing about selling a home then you may use something like this:
Selling Your First House: Five Tips to a Guaranteed Sale
rather than this:
Five Tips That Guarantee Selling Your First House
That's just a simple example, but you can obviously get creative in your approach.
Article Marketing Tip #2: Writing Interesting Content
The next phase is to write the body of your article. The articles you write will end up getting published to websites and blogs so you should follow the rules of good content creation.
Put the most important information first. Hit your readers hard and fast with your best stuff. At first it may seem like a bad idea to give the goods right off the back...
But your goal as a content creator is to get your reader's eyes from one line to the next. If you start out with boring, useless stuff, that reader won't stay long.
Now keep in mind that delivering your best first doesn't excuse poor quality content after. The whole thing needs to be be organized and thought out, and always remember to give useful, quality content.
When writing the body of your article, be sure to keep words, sentences and paragraphs short, and make good use of subheadings.
Your articles don't have to be long. An average grad article would be something like 250-500 words. A great article would be 600-800 words. Don't freak out though. Average to good grade articles are 'good enough' and you don't even need to be that great of a writer. If you have some kind of knowledge to offer then share it and you'll be rewarded. With a little practice, you'll be a whiz at this.
Article Marketing Tip #3: Resource Box
This is what the real purpose of article marketing is. When you write articles for article directories to use, they don't allow you to post personal links that can benefit you within the body of the article. They reserve link promotion for the resource box.
With your resource box, you can place links, phone numbers etc.. in order to get traffic to whatever it is your ultimately trying to sell. So Your resource box may say something as simple as:
Article Written By: Corey Henry
If you want to learn more about "XYZ" then visit
The ability to promote your links is the sole purpose of article marketing. Never get confused in this aspect. I'll say it again:
Every Time You Write and Submit Articles, Your Purpose is to Promote Your Links by Giving Away Valuable Content in Exchange For Quality Traffic!
Your resource box needs...
To contain your name, the address of your website, your elevator pitch and a call to action. The elevator pitch is a couple of sentences that say what you have to offer. It briefly answers the question 'what's in it for the reader?' The call to action aims to get readers to your site to buy, join, signup or whatever you want them to do.
Article Marketing Tip #4: Submit Article
Now after you have written your articles, it's time to find a place for them to be published. It's actually way WAY easier than it sounds. All you have to do is submit them to sites like and which are free submission sites.
What is Article Marketing?
If you didn't already realize it, it's one of the most effective ways to pull in loads of high quality traffic.
And the best part is...
It's absolutely FREE!
It takes a little longer to reap the benefits from this strategy, but it should be part of your long game for your business, website etc..
And if you don't have a long term goal for your business, Then article marketing is the least of your worries.
Keywords: article marketing, what is article marketing, article directory
Learn more about SpinDistribute Article Distribution System. We also offer a Pro Article Writing Service to everyone who needs premium quality well-researched articles.
Each article you submit at is sent through our innovative Article Distribution System to our network of more than 1840 publishers - about 55% of them are high-quality article directories, 30% of them are niche blogs and 15% of them are other content-rich websites.
To achieve the best possible success we only publish your article to most related websites. This means your article will show up on approximately 640 - 880 most related websites which will give you great SEO results.
We also offer a separate Professional Article Writing Service to everyone who's looking for high quality web content and well researched unique articles.