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The following article was published in our article directory on July 8, 2013.
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Bigjigs: An Excellent Addition to the Toy Train Industry

Article Category: Shopping

Author Name: Thomas Wood

Bigjigs is relatively new in the toy train business, but it is definitely not an amateur. As early as 1985, the company has already been selling jigsaw puzzles made of wood. From there, the toy line expanded, ultimately introducing the train and rail sets in 2000.

Despite the brand's globally competitive products, it still stays true to its purpose, which is to provide quality wood toys at budget-friendly prices. This well-balanced market offering leads to many nods from industry leaders, the last of which is recognition as 2011 s Best Wooden Toy brand from the Independent Toy Awards in the UK.

By keeping the prices of its wooden train sets with tables for toddlers lower, it has slowly but consistently sliced a share of the market, going head-to-head with toy industry giants that also make wooden train and table sets. Today, this brand is looked up to by parents not just an alternative brand but as the brand of choice for wood toys.

To keep up with the demands, more than 140 different products are being sold, including track sets and separate track extension packs, engines, field expansion packs, trackside accessories and all-in-one train and track packages. They even have locomotive replicas from their commercially successful collection, the Heritage Collection.

Also included in its bestselling lines are the twenty-piece First Train Set, a starter set for toddlers, and the more advanced Freight Train Set, a complete train and track set composed of one hundred thirty pieces, including the town itself. Some collections even come with different kinds of trucks, boats and even helicopters!

Being a master of puzzle manufacturing, Bigjigs ensures that learning does not stop from having fun as the company develops all its lines with maximum learning in mind, enhancing cognitive and creative skills as the sets are being constructed. This and all, without sacrificing convenience for your kids.

Unlike some toy train brands that add a touch of learning experience to their lines, Bigjigs is the opposite. Its secret to a successful educational toy is adding a touch of fun and playtime at traditional learning materials  puzzles and alphabets. Letter carriages are available for customizing trains and additional learning experience as well.

Aside from the brand s train and table collections, usual accessory and bases are also present  bridges, sheds, tunnels, buildings, road signs, plants and trees, human characters and dozens of vehicle models.

The products are impressive enough. But what is more remarkable is the manufacturer s environmental policies that will surely pacify advocates. A strict replenishment system is being used to maintain sustainable wood sources as it only sources from a controlled forest area. A carbon emission consciousness is also being observed by using packaging minimally. This is done by using smaller boxes instead of unnecessary larger boxes, all without compromising the safety of the items inside. These boxes are all recycled from already used cardboards. Even the company operation itself relies on solar power for energy sources.

Wooden trains sets are becoming the wider choice for toddlers in many countries. Well established manufacturers are great choices, but younger companies that only make excellent products are equally commendable.

About the Author: Thomas Wood has a toddler who is crazy about wooden toy trains. He has become expert in the UK for knowing where to buy wooden trains for toddlers. To find out all the different ranges of wooden toy trains from BRIO, Bigjigs and Tidlo visit

Keywords: wooden train sets, wooden train sets with tables for toddlers, wooden toys, wooden train accessories, brio, bigjigs, thomas & friends

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