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« Back to articles from category "Wellness, Fitness and Diet"

The following article was published in our article directory on June 29, 2013.
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Velocity 8Hr Energy: Unlocking the Secrets

Article Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

Author Name: Larry Alford

The quest for a safe way of boosting body energy levels has eluded modern human society for generations. As a result, most people have to resort to eating high-calorie, caffeine-loaded, and sugar-rich foods to keep their bodies and minds up and running throughout the day. This modern trend has given rise to serious health concerns such as obesity and its related conditions. In addition, the consumption of coffee, soda, and energy drinks also pose serious side effects, making such food choices unfavorable in the long run. Luckily for this generation, an energy-boosting, fat burner product suitable for weight loss regimens has finally arrived in the form of Velocity 8Hr Energy.

Velocity 8Hr Energy is the result of years of research on the various health benefits of the most potent natural metabolism boosters, fat burners, and weight loss catalysts available. Its three main ingredients, Acai berry, Camu-Camu, and Cupuacu, serve as the cornerstone of this novel energy booster / fat burner combo. Combined with other beneficial ingredients which include green tea leaves, GeranaX, dark chocolate, natural caffeine, Vanadium chelate, and B-Phenylethylamine, Velocity 8Hr Energy makes sustained energy release, fat burning, and weight reduction possible at the same time.

Acai berries are known to contain concentrated powerful antioxidants which help neutralize free radicals in the body. This makes it possible for the body to initiate and sustain the release of energy. It also contains high levels of vitamin C, E, B-complex, and Omega 6 and 9 fatty acids. These berries are known to help slow down aging, suppress certain forms of cancer, improve cardiac function, and reduce cholesterol levels.

Camu-Camu cherries have risen in status from being an obscure plant in the Amazon into a widely-demanded fruit worldwide, mainly due to its extremely high Vitamin C content. As a matter of fact, the natural Vitamin C found in Camu-Camu is superior in quality compared to synthetic Vitamin C. In addition, this fruit helps shore up the immune system, enhances tissue regeneration, and complements weight reduction regimens by promoting safe weight loss.

Cupuacu fruits contain high levels of nine antioxidants, including Vitamin A and C, and phytonutrients. In addition, cupuacu is known as a good source of B-complex vitamins necessary for energy conversion and as a fat burner. Cupuacu extract also helps in enhancing immune system function, reducing bad cholesterol levels, and lowering blood pressure. Furthermore, this fruit is shown to have natural anti-inflammatory properties.

Velocity 8Hr Energy also contains beneficial compounds and elements such as phenyethylamine (which releases endorphins and increases blood flow to the brain), geranamine (has a thermogenic effect which enhances metabolism, making it an effective fat burner), epigallocathechin gallate (more known as ECGC, assists in weight loss, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, and has anti-cancer properties), vanadium (reduces blood sugar levels and improves insulin sensitivity), and minerals (potassium, magnesium, copper, and iron). To put it simply, Velocity 8Hr Energy is a potent mix designed to keep both mind and body at its top performance with a lot of additional health benefits to boot!



About the Author: Larry Alford is the "go to guy" when it comes to Velocity 8 Hr Energy and Weight Loss Energy,Weight Loss, Fat Burner, natural weight loss, appetite suppressant.

Keywords: Energy, Weight Loss, Fat Burner

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