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The following article was published in our article directory on May 29, 2013.
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Paradigm Shifts - How to Ensure Success

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Andrew Hines

How do Apple and other leading companies stay on the cutting edge? Well it all comes down to what they believe is true about the rules of the game.

If you want to win and always be in demand, operate in new territories where there is no competition. Let me show you how.

First let's define a paradigm

Paradigm Shifts – Definition of a Paradigm

Simply put, a "paradigm" is basically the lens through which we view reality. We all have paradigms. They're not visual nor kinesthetic, but they are how we perceive things.

Anthony Robbins says that things are neither good nor bad, it is up to us to apply our own paradigms to events and situations to make a judgement on whether they are good or bad.

Stephen Covey describes a paradigm as being like a map. Maps represents the terrain but they are not the terrain itself. They're simply interpretations and can be wrong.

What do we do when our maps are wrong? Throw them out and get a new one.
What are Paradigm Shifts?

Obviously as our map becomes outdated we will be inclined to throw it out and get a new one, but what if we could actually predict how the map would change?

One of the most important things we can learn in our lives is how to predict paradigm shifts. Even better than that is if we can create the paradigm shifts.

Simply put, paradigm shifts are "game changers". Some of the best recent examples I can give were technology related. Of course there are a few classic examples:

The release of the Ford Model T in the early 1900s changed the way people looked at transportation. It made the horse-driven carriage essentially obsolete.

Equally dramatic was the effect that the invention of the PC had on document creation. Typewriters were also almost instantly made obsolete in North America.

A modern example would be the release of the iPhone. Prior to it, phones had really just been used for calling and sending texts and email.

When iPhone came along it created paradigm shifts in how people looked at their phones. A phone was no longer just an essential tool in daily life, it was now an entertainment center. It was music, games, phone, internet, email, texting and video, all in one device.

The iphone was revolutionary and completely changed the industry. Apple had created paradigm shifts, and essentially had no competition because other mobile phone manufacturers were caught offguard.

Paradigm Shifts – Create The Rules of the Game and You'll Always Win

It wouldn't make a lot of sense for IBM to keep focusing their attention on typewriters with the advent of the PC and word processor. Granted, IBM helped pioneer the PC movement.

The point is, if you want to win and succeed at everything you do in life, whether it be a personal business, a job or a relationship, you need to be asking yourself if your current paradigm works.

In business, paradigm shifts are what make companies millions. Sure, the followers making smartphones are getting a piece of the pie, too. But nothing compared to what Apple has received thanks to Steve Jobs.

In the workplace, finding ways to eliminate unnecessary tasks or ways to completely eliminate unnecessary products are great paradigm shifts. E.g. you wouldn't need someone to train people how to use typewriters if they were no longer in use. Employees can go further to even help create new products that will meet future customer needs.

Start asking yourself these questions: "Is what I believe really the way it is? Or is it just the way I'm perceiving it?", "What if there's a better way?", "Is the task/process/product really necessary?", "How could this be done better?"

Thanks for reading. Please post your comments at the bottom of my Paradigm Shifts blog post and share via Facebook, Google+, Twitter etc.

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About the Author: Andrew Hines is an entrepreneur and coach for positive change. To find out about paradigm shifts, visit his blog at

Keywords: paradigm shifts, shift paradigm, change, success, self improvement, self help, paradigms, paradigm

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