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The following article was published in our article directory on June 5, 2013.
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The Importance of Concrete Admixtures

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Dennis Graziano

Concrete admixtures, ingredients other than aggregate, water and cement, are needed components added into concrete mixtures before or during the mixing process. These ingredients are used to modify concrete properties by influencing the concrete's set time and workability. These are also used to compensate the temperature effects during the curing process to ensure concrete quality.

The utilization of concrete admixtures is a standard for commercial/residential building structures. While these are construction solutions with varying benefits, admixtures can also introduce some defects if they are not applied properly. If accelerating admixtures are used incorrectly for example, or in cases if they contain higher calcium chloride levels, drying shrinkage instances are increased. This create conditions for the concrete to develop cracks in the long term.

While determining if improper uses of admixtures is the cause of defects can be a challenge, having knowledge on various admixture types and functions is advantageous in learning more about the dynamics and complexity of concrete materials commonly used in the construction industry these days.

Concrete admixtures are characterized by their properties and functions in each concrete mix design. These are: retarding, water reducing, air entraining, and superplasticizers. Each of these is used to different effects and solutions to specific problems, though there are still common admixture types used in categories not included here, like waterproofing and bonding admixtures.

Retarding admixtures are designed to improve concrete's set time by slowing down the hydration. This comes in handy when counteracting high temperature effects in concrete. Accelerating admixtures on the other hand works in an opposite way by decreasing the set time. The purpose is to counteract cold weather effects, which slows down the hardening process. It also prosecutes early forms removal so surface finishing can commence right away.

Water-reducing admixtures are important in increasing set time during hot weather, freezing/thawing resistance, and overall concrete strength. This may be similar to retarding admixtures though they are more utilized in allowing a better fluid mix together with water. The active ingredients fall into three distinct categories: salts and modified hydroxylzed carboxylic acids, salts and modified lignosulfonic acids, and the availability of polymeric materials.

Air entraining admixtures are also considered important additives used in enhancing concrete durability when exposed mercilessly to continuous freezing/thawing cycles. The chemicals used falls into the following categories: salts of petroleum acids or wood resins, synthetic detergents, and fatty resinous acids. They disperse all those tiny air bubbles visible during the mix. Air entrained concrete is also more workable as compared to its other counterparts. Their use reduces instances of bleeding and fresh concrete segregation.

The superplasticizers are better known as high-range water reducers in the construction industry. These are developed to reduce water content in the concrete mix by a good 30%. This should create an ideal workable cement mix. They are much needed in heavily reinforced construction structures, and including placements where adequate consolidation via vibration is hard to achieve.

Other types of concrete admixtures fall outside these main categories are classified as bonding admixtures, coloring agents, water or damp-proofing admixtures, and the anti-freezing admixtures. All these help create stronger concrete to stand up against harsh outdoor elements in the long run.

About the Author: Dennis Graziano has been in the ready mix concrete business for forty years and is an expert when it comes to reinforcing concrete,. To find out everything about reinforcing concrete, visit his website at http://www.Reinforcing

Keywords: reinforcing concrete, concrete admixtures, welded wire, synthetic mesh, concrete cracks, concrete slump, pouring a concrete slab

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