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The following article was published in our article directory on June 3, 2013.
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What Do Studies Say About Garcinia Cambogia Extract?

Article Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

Author Name: Caroline Wilson

There is no when it comes to the specific health benefits and risks of Garcinia Cambogia Extract as of now. But all the available studies are pointing to only one direction – that this endemic fruit is considerably promising to weight loss and is potentially│possibly the best natural anti-obesity solution.

The results are more promising when tests are done in animal subjects. Although there are discrepancies in the rate and level of results as compared to the human trials, they still balance on the same side of the weighing scale, all in favor of weight loss goals.

The concerns of belong to two of the major factors that might have been the deciding factors – absorption rate and formulation.

Absorption rate to the body's ability to integrate the chemical compounds of Garcinia Cambogia. Diet and health status might affect the body's absorption capability. But to maximize this, experts taking 1000mg to 1500mg a day. The latter is the best dosage for maximum results.

Formulation, on the other hand, refers to the mixture and manufacturing process of the main component, which is the G. Cambogia extract or hydroxycitric acid (HCA). The current standard is to use at least 50% pure Garcinia Cambogia on every product, excluding chemically altered HCA and additional weight loss compounds.

Everyone in good health condition can take this popular│famous weight loss product. However, researchers are not settling for mere weight loss benefits. Rather, they target a greater use, which is to treat obesity disorder.

One controlled study that involved 60 obese persons showed that the use of HCA can significantly improve the weight reduction rate by up to 133% compared to just limiting calorie intake.

In the same study that ran for two months│eight weeks, the group was divided into two – one who took a placebo and the other one who took a consistent quantity of G. Cambogia. Both groups were given a limitation in calorie intake.

After the study, those who took the placebo only lost six pounds on the average while those who had G. Cambogia lost an astonishing 14 pounds. Consider that as speeding the weight loss process by more than double, just what obese people need to remedy their impending health complications. The same effect can be achieved using VitAssist Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract.

In a separate study in 2005, researchers found out that HCA can increase the serotonin production of the body by up to 40%. Serotonin is important in balancing emotions and neutralizing stress hormones.

"Mood eaters" or those who binge when under emotional distress will find a safe solution while the cortisol level in the body, also known as stress hormone, will be decreased. Cortisol, when left at a high level, will metabolism, and can even shrink muscles.

Most studies involving Garcinia Cambogia are done only in the past 10 years. However│Nevertheless, as early as 1998, a study involving HCA had already been done. In the study that was published in the "Journal of the American Medical Association," HCA was found to inhibit the formation of fat cells by stopping the conversion of fatty acids.

About the Author: Caroline Wilson is an expert on weight loss and appetite suppression challenges facing todays professional men and women. To receive information and discounts on weight loss and appetite suppression supplements, or read more from Caroline, please visit VitAssist.

Keywords: garcinia cambogia, garcinia cambogia extract, pure garcinia cambogia

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