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The following article was published in our article directory on May 22, 2013.
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Sales Closing Techniques: Mapping Personality Traits for More Profit

Article Category: Business

Author Name: Niquelle Wright

Learn effective ways to create subject lines that make your emails insusceptible the Delete key.
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These sales closing techniques will change the way you "chat" with people and help you to get more of what you want. Sales and Recruits. So let's get started.

You have personality traits and skills and so does your spouse or loved one. Does your mother and your father and so do your kids. You can even use these sales closing techniques on your kids and parents to get them to do what you want.

Each individual is distinct and unique and sometimes their "uniqueness" can really tick you off. Why won't they do what you want, when you want? Your prospects are the same way. You say up and they say down. You say yes and they shout, "NO!".

You talk and their eyes glaze over and they actually take the telephone call from Granny or check the text in the middle of your presentation.

Why didn't that presentation make them fall out of their chair? It used the wrong language and the wrong sales closing techniques for this particular person.

While other speakers demand the prospect's undivided attention. They don't smell the smoke drifting in from the kitchen. They don't hear the dog pawing at the front door. They are mesmerized and do whatever that guy says.

He has learned to speak their language utilizing different sales techniques based on their personality types. He uses a few questions in the beginning of the conversation to get to know them so that he can determine their likely personality type. After that, he tailors the sales closing techniques so that he can highlight the benefits that they are most curious about hearing.

It is not lying, it is customization!

Now you can learn the sales closing techniques to blend ideas and words in to the conversation that push the prospect's hot buttons. These sales closing techniques will make it more likely that they will like you, trust you and join you or buy from you. These sales closing techniques are powerful, so make sure to only use them for good.

How does he do it?

What is the secret?

He is using the different sales closing techniques to grab their attention and to snatch their bank cards right out of their hand. Let's look at the personality types.

Understanding Personality Types helps tailor Sales Closing Techniques.

We all fall under one of four main personality types. If you draw a horizontal line on a sheet of paper and then draw a perpendicular line to create a giant plus sign, you have four quadrants that we can use to create a visual for these four personality types.

On the far left of the horizontal line we can put "Needs people more" and on the far right of the horizontal line, we put "Needs people less". On the top of the perpendicular line, we put "High Need to direct" and on the bottom of the perpendicular line, we put "Low need to direct".

Sales Closing Techniques: Who are you chatting with?

Let's learn about each personality type so we can customize our sales closing techniques for them.

Who is Lively Larry and Which Sales Closing Techniques Will Make Him Throw His Bank cards at You?

In the top left quadrant, we have the personality that needs relationships with people more and they need to direct others. They like to be around people. They love a good party or gathering. They love to meet strangers. This personality type has several strengths.

Lively Larry is considered a natural leader and people want to follow them. He can keep the prospect's attention, even if the boat is capsizing. Larry is the life of the party, persuasive, direct and outgoing. He is competitive and a risk-taker. He looks good even if he might dress a little crazy.
Larry is not into the details and will happily delegate that work to someone (probably Factual Frank or Loving Laura and we will meet them later).
Lively Larry might be in real estate or advertising. Lively Larry is often the one that everyone dreams of recruiting into their business. He has bunches of contacts and can get people in a room.

Lively Larry also has some weaknesses.

He may be pushy and abrasive.
He might be perceived as abrasive, manipulative or impatient.

Sales Closing Techniques for Lively Larry.

How do you talk to Lively Larry? Which sales closing techniques will be among the most useful? You must mention the fun atmosphere, the parties or live events. Mention that they will learn everything that they need to know at the live event to profit quickly. Lively Larry wants to make things happen and he wants to grow his own team. Show him how simple it is to recruit in your business. Boost Larry's ego with recognition and awards. Be energetic and allow Larry to be spontaneous. The most effective sales closing techniques will involve excitement, fun and new people.

Sales Closing Techniques to Avoid with Lively Larry.

Do not make him wait and do not come across as indecisive. Avoid the regular and basic. Discuss ways that Larry can bring his special flair to the business. Sales closing techniques that refer to slow, routine and traditional will put Larry in a coma.

Closing Thoughts about Lively Larry.

It is best to approach Lively Larry when you are pumped up about some recent success in your business so that you can approach with proof and high energy. So go create some proof and results and then hit him with it! A big check and a fun time are the best sales closing techniques for Larry.

Who is Ambitious Ashley and Which Sales Closing Techniques Will Make Her Throw Her Charge card at You?

In the top right quadrant, we have the personality that needs relationships with people less and they have a high need to direct others.

This personality type has several strengths.

Ashley is very practical, organized and very direct.
She is viewed as goal-oriented, ambitious and dependable.
she also knows what she wants and goes after it.

Let's call her Ambitious Ashley. Ambitious Ashley might be in sales or working somewhere where quotas guide the workflow. She has a clipboard in her hand at all times!

Ambitious Ashley can also have the following weaknesses.

Ashley may be stubborn and rigid.
She can also be critical and insensitive if things are not moving fast enough.

Sales Closing Techniques for Ambitious Ashley.

What do you say to Ambitious Ashley? What sales closing techniques are going to work for her? Whatever you say, say it quickly. Get to the point. Do not add in the how and why, just spit it out. Ashley only wants to hear exactly what she needs to get the job done. Tell her what she needs to have happen in order to achieve her goals. Allow Ashley to take control of how to achieve her goals. She will master whatever is necessary. She is loyal and expects loyalty. You should emphasize the 3 steps to success or the system that is in place to it easy to achieve their goals.

Sales Closing Techniques to Avoid with Ambitious Ashley.

Ashley does not want to hear negativity or negative discussion of the company. She may not respond to a great deal of emotion and she wants things to be clear. Avoid ambiguity and give very clear goals like "just get one sale of the basic package daily.".

Closing Thoughts on Ambitious Ashley.

You want Ashley on your team because she will finish the job. If the tools exist and you give her the right metric, she will chase it with very little input or hand-holding required. Concise closes are the best sales closing techniques on Ashley.

Who is Factual Frank and Which Sales Closing Techniques Will Make Him Throw His Charge card at You?

In the bottom right quadrant we have the personality type that needs relationships less and they have a low need to direct others. Lets call him Factual Frank. Factual Frank may be an engineer, architect or librarian. This personality has several strengths that are easily observed.

Factual Frank does not take risks and is very comfortable with things as they are.
Frank will ask a million questions and still not have enough information.
He is thorough, factual, reserved and neat and orderly.
Frank is also calm, practical and has very high standards.

Factual Frank can also have a few weaknesses.

He could be a bit of a perfectionist.
Factual Frank can also come across as dull, shy and passive.

Sales Closing Techniques for Factual Frank.

What do you say to Factual Frank?

Factual Frank needs a great deal of information. Provide him with brochures, websites, videos.

Give him some time to work himself around to that decision. He does not like to be pressured and will resist even when it seems obvious that he should move forward.

The best aspect of Factual Frank is that once you have in on your team, he will never quit because he would have to admit that he was wrong. Frank does not really want to work in groups to emphasize the autonomy that he can have and the results that consistent behaviors can achieve.

Always be prepared to point Frank in the direction of more information but do not invest a bunch of time in going through the data with him. It may take a while for him to settle.

Sales Closing Techniques to Avoid with Factual Frank.

They hate to be and fear being wrong. This fear can paralyze them.

Do not try to pressure Frank into anything. He needs to think that it was his idea to join your team or buy your products.

Do not pretend to be something that you are not with Frank. He will not identify with fakes and arrogance-only quality, knowledge and information.

Closing Thoughts on Factual Frank.

Once Frank has reviewed all the information and has decided to be a part of whatever you are doing, he will be there for the long run. He will not quit because he has invested a lot of energy into making this decision. He is slow to decide but he is slow to reverse his decision.

Who is Loving Linda and Which Sales Closing Techniques Will Make Her Throw Her Debit card at You?

In the lower left quadrant we have the personality that needs relationships more and has low need to direct others. This personality is a collaborator, caring and an excellent listener. Her name is Loving Linda. Loving Linda may be a teacher, nurse or customer support representative.

Loving Linda has other strengths.

Loving Linda is a great listener and people come to her with their problems.
Linda wants everyone to be happy.
She is huggable and loving like an aunt or grandma.
Linda is usually helpful and devoted.

Loving Linda might also have some weaknesses.

Loving Linda can be indecisive and hesitant.
She is also impractical and may be easily distracted by others.

Sales Closing Techniques for Loving Linda.

What do you say to Loving Linda? Linda needs know that others like her. She wants to be told that she is doing a good job. She is happy to help others and will stop what she is doing to do so. She also will appreciate it if someone that she has helped will return the favor. You can describe how much more she will be able to help people if she has more money or time. She cares and likes to know that you care about her. A greeting card or a nice note can go a long way with Linda. Your email might mention the number of people have been helped by the product or business and a real story of someone who has gained from the product or business. I f you have a cause that you work for (like an abused animal clinic or domestic abuse or clean drinking water) be sure to share with Linda how your business ties into that.

Sales Closing Techniques to Avoid with Loving Linda.

Do not come across as insensitive or insincere. Do not create disagreements or drama. Linda wants everyone to be happy and hit it off.

Closing Thoughts on Loving Linda.

Listen to Linda's desires and causes and be caring and sensitive. Be careful and informal. Linda likes to be a part of something big and she would like to help others achieve the dream also.

Now as you learn about a person's hobbies or career choices and how they like to spend their time, you can easily pinpoint their likely personality type. Once you have that information, you can emphasize the benefits of your product or opportunity so that it speaks to them. Now you can speak their language.

About the Author: Niquelle Wright holds a MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management. She teaches sales closing techniques and marketing strategies.
Learn more sales techniques and marketing strategies that you can really use and get the encouragement, training and support you need.
Visit her blog at

Keywords: sales closing techniques, marketing, personality traits, personality types

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