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The following article was published in our article directory on May 17, 2013.
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Article Category: Internet

Author Name: parth patel

Project Management is fast evolving sector in the business pioneered in Information Technology and crept to the other fields because of its logical tailoring capability, to be applied for any industry. Project Management is creeping faster as the computing and communication are integrated in every stage of the business in all kinds of industries.
IT project managers would no doubt find their extended opportunities in every other field as result of implementing agile methods in managing projects, vendors, tangible and intangible needs of the project.
According to ESI, which is a project-focused training company the predictions on the upcoming project management are:
1. Continuation of specific project management training
Having identified and understood the further increased scope of the IT project management, it emphasizes the continuation of the specific project management training to be fit for specific needs of the respective industry. The management and leadership training is now to be continued in specifics rather than the general.
2. Effectiveness of agile development challenged
Collaboration is the major requisite to evolve the solution involved in agile software development. This collaborative management technique is also involved in cloud computing methods. For both of them, the challenges are training and comfort which are incremented with incremental collaboration. This fact in turn demands the change in the business culture in order to accept the software development.
3. Project management has been expanding beyond project managers
Expansion of the project management has been consistent with the incremental collaboration of the cultural shift. The responsibilities of project managers would spread consistently to almost all the industries. Every department of the business like Human Resources, Marketing, Production, Sales etc would find become the peers of kingdom of the project management.
4. More challenges with larger projects
The limited resources of the companies in terms of human resources, infrastructure, control may look for the better options as outsourcing of the work. The outsourcing in turn demands better in-house control within the companies.
5. Innovation demanded by the project managers
The upcoming challenges and common project management offices for audits demand the project managers to brainstorm and innovate with creativity to define and maintain the values for the business.
6. Certification upgrades for the project managers
The civilian-side government contractors have to possess the project manager certification by the U.S. Government. The number of training hours is increased for this certification by the Office of Federal Procurement Policy from 2013.
7. Increased priority of the vendor management
With the increased demand of the outsourcing of the projects, the training and vendor management has also been taken to the higher priority to be able to resolve any issues related to the outsourcing and vendors.
8. More strain to the project management offices
The present challenges of limited resources and the increased pressure can strain the project management offices and break the offices in the worst cases.
9. Increased portfolio management with funding pressure
Portfolio hierarchies consistently show efforts to get a control on the projects and programs to improve the business, over the competitors'.
10. Popularity to cut project times through agile development
Projects' time to market has to be drastically minimized through the improved performance by the executives for faster profits by being pioneers in the market.

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