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The following article was published in our article directory on April 13, 2013.
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How Spirulina Benefits Heart Health!

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: War Becks

In the preceding article "Spirulina Benefits: The world's most powerful superfood!" we brought up some of the benefits this amazing algae has on our cardiovascular system ! Now we are going to flush out the facts and take a better look at how the nutrients in this particular algae work with your heart to improve a robust, healthy and balanced system!

Vital fatty acids are not any thing different, and plenty of us realize that we need to have them in our eating habits. Whenever you heard the word 'omega' in connection with your diet regimen, like on your margarine package, that's what they are meaning. Well ditch the margarine and grab the spirulina! GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid, if you were wondering) abounds in spirulina. Wiping out cholesterol levels from the blood is only half the tale, this vital fatty acid assists to manufacture various other nutrients inside of your system. Nutrients which serve to defend against heart disease, congestive heart failure and stroke! Some of these very same nutrients additionally serve to help get rid of excess fluid from the body and that can help to keep blood tension controlled (and also decrease bloating)! Of course spirulina doesn't leave you hanging there, it is the only plant that produces a whole form of GLA! making sure you obtain the required amount of GLA as we get older is a fundamental part of your diet regimen. Spirulina makes that a breeze!

Betacarotine - Has anybody ever told you to chow down your carrots for fantastic eye health and wellness? This is the reason! This powerful antioxidant is packed in spirulina at a degree 10x more than carrots! Coupled with it's countless other rewards, betacarotine is a soldier for the cardio system. Several works suggest that assisting heart disease patients with spirulina can actually cut the rate of strokes and heart attacks by around 50 %! That's outstanding! Not just that, but by protecting the body from the buildup of LDL (low-density lipoprotein, or 'bad cholesterol' that can set and clog your arteries), betacarotine serves to prevent heart disease in the first place! Not a bad investment for your body if you ask me !

Zeaxanthin - Never learned about this one? Not really a concern! He's still on your side! Caring for your eyes, fighting malignant cells and certainly, combating cardiovascular disease, heart attack and stroke! An added benefit, this is among the few antioxidants which will not turn on your system and help in the growth of free radicals in the lack of various other necessary nutrients! Quite accommodating!

Phycocyanin - Alright, I am not getting extremely technical with the descriptions of the label nevertheless what you must recognize is that: Phycocyanin is the 'blue' in 'blue green algae', and this component has even been shown to eliminate plaque build-up along arterial walls. This keeps blood vessels healthy and blood tension down! Yes please!

K vitamins consist of healthy proteins that are fundamental for blood coagulation, preventing arterial wall surfaces from solidifying and preventing harm from occurring to the vessels. Just a single tsp of spirulina contains your daily dosage of K1 and K2!

We discussed how iron serves to help generate red blood cells. Blood cells that will carry more oxygen and serve to remedy anemia! The polysaccharides in spirulina also help generate white blood cells and hemoglobin also (the element which carries o2 to cells and that renders your blood red)! Red blood cells which bear more oxygen means that your system is operating more efficiently to get each cell the necessary o2 it needs to thrive! This, in turn, means that your heart is pumping less to achieve the same nutrients provided! Talk about giving your heart a break!

Altogether, Spirulina is definitely a supreme dietary supplement when considering your heart health! Through detoxifying the blood of toxins and cholesterol, serving to create healthy fresh blood cells, and looking after your arteries from deterioration, spirulina has got you covered!

About the Author: War Becks is an average joe who personally disovered how spirulina benefits him! Now passionate about the topic, he writes all that he knows about spirulina benefits!

Keywords: spirulina benefits, spirulina, superfood, antioxidant, antioxidants, chlorella, blue-green algae,

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