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The following article was published in our article directory on April 10, 2013.
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The 3 Critical Success Factors for Young Entrepreneurs

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: A'ric "The Dream Achiever" Jackson

Being a Young Entrepreneur (whether in age or to the field of Entrepreneurship) there are 3 critical success factors. I firmly believe that no matter how much money have, no matter how amazing your services or products is, if you don�t have these 3 components intertwined into your plan of action, you are at high risk of being one of the unfavorable statistics of failing as an Entrepreneur in the first two years of your existence.

The 3 Critical Success Factors for Young Entrepreneurs

#1 Vision (Your Why)

Let�s start with a very blunt question. Why are you an Entrepreneur in the first place? Is your answer �to make more money� or �to be able to do what I want to do when I want to do it!� Trust me, I think these are great reasons, however, it is not a strong enough why. If your why is not evident or strong, it is going to be hard to create a vision for you business and if you do not have a for you business . . . Let�s just say the longest, best selling book in history states �Without a Vision The People Parish.�

Ring a bell? Well my friend, before you figure out the next greatest product and the next bullet proof Marketing plan, if you do not have your vision which is fueled by your why, you can kiss your Entrepreneurship Reign BYE BYE!!!

Right here is a quick way to find your why. Get a friend or someone you trust. Have they ask you, �why are you in business?� Once you answer the first time, have them follow up with the question �Why?� Have them continue to ask that question until you hit a point where you seem like you will almost go blank and you are just left with one strong �Why.� It may be to help others succeed in their business. It may be to end poverty. It may be to bring peace back to families. The beautiful thing about this is you get to say.

In regards to the 3 Critical Success Factors, this is #1 because unless you are clear about this one, the rest of your work will be in vain and will have you give up easily. Which is a perfect segue to . . .

#2 Persistence & Statistics

Ok, so it may seem a bit odd putting Persistence & Statistics together. However, there is a method to the madness.

First of all, you all, when it comes to being an Entrepreneur, you have to have that what I call the �Thomas Edison Syndrome.� What do I mean by that? If it takes you 10,000 tries to be successful, you must stay persistent with you.

Robert Kiyosaki says it best F.O.C.U.S.

Your persistence as an Entrepreneur will be key to really fulfilling on your Vision and Why. Truthfully, it baffles me how many new and young entrepreneurs say �well I tried it for 2 weeks and I have not seen any improvements! I quit!�

Are you freaking kidding me! When it comes to critical success factors, this one is undeniable. Stay the course until you get what you want.

Now, here is where the statistics part of it comes in. If you stay persistent and you are not keeping track of your test, trials, successes, defeats and results, you run the risk of being successful and not knowing how you got there. Now this is not a problem that you arrived at success, until you lose it all.

If you have not kept up with your statistics (which by the way the more persistent you are the more statistics you will have) you can lose it all and not know how to get it back. However, if you are someone who knows what you did to get there, regardless of how many times you lose it, you will always have a roadmap to get it back.

Look at Donald Trump. How many times did he go bankrupt?

Last but not least of the critical success factors is . . .

#3 Communication

Do you realize how many Entrepreneurs suck at this! Really, you would be surprised. I was a Leadership Training Coach, and I was blown away by how many Entrepreneurs and even Millionaires I worked with had an issue with Communication.

Here is what you must understand. As a young entrepreneur, 90% of your success and profits will boil down to how you communicate in your Emails, Advertising, Promotions, Blog Posts, Facebook, Twitter, Phone Calls and one on one meetings. The general public has been bamboozled so much by charlatans that they are very leery in trusting anyone. A purchase or investment in you product / service is all about trust. If they trust you they are more likely to purchase from you. How do they get to trust you? COMMUNICATION!

Though it is #3 of the critical success factors, this is the one that you will always be developing. You can never be overdeveloped in communication.

In my business, I ran across this product called the �Costa Rica Mastermind Intensive.� When I tell you this product was so off the charts and got the root of how to communicate with your audiences especially via blogging, I saw how this training literally gave me the freedom not only to communicate more, but to communicate in a way that was informative, trustworthy and persuasive. How often will you find those words in the same sentence.

Here�s To Your Success!

A�ric Jackson
The Dream Achiever

About the Author: A�ric Jackson is an Award Winning Speaker, 5 Time Author & Entrepreneurial Coach. Get Tools, Strategies & Tips on how to take your Speaking Career to the next level Get Free Access To Tools, Strategies & Tips Here.

Keywords: critical success factors, young entrepreneurs, new entrepreneurs

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