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The following article was published in our article directory on May 6, 2013.
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Inorganic Chemistry Concepts

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Timur Karipov

Inorganic Chemistry is the science of the behavior and the combination of the organometallic and the inorganic compounds. The study covers approximately all of the chemical compounds, with an exception of the organic compounds in myriad classification. These are the compounds with a carbon base. On a microscopic level, these compounds contain a multitude of carbon and hydrogen bonds.

Ionic Compounds

Most of the inorganic substances are considered as ionic compounds. These compounds are composed of anions and cations. These are then combined with the use of ionic bonding. Cations are positive ions. On the other hand, the anions are regarded as negative ions. The oxidation state clearly defines the nature of the ions in a certain substance.

Ease of Formation

There are two types of methods that can define the ease of the formation of the substances. For the cations, the ionization potential is utilized to determine the rate of formation. On the other hand, the anions use the oxidation state to determine the electron affinity of the parent elements.


The important types of inorganic salts are the carbonates, the oxides, the halides, and the sulfates. These compounds are famous for their high melting points. This means that they will only melt if you subject them to high levels of heat. Each of these inorganic compounds has varying degrees of melting points. The melting points of these compounds are highly relevant, especially in the field of industrial pursuits.

Basic Reactions

Among the types of inorganic reactions that exist in the field of Inorganic Chemistry, the double displacement reaction may be considered as the simplest among these chemical reactions. This may be activated by mixing two different types of salts. The ions found in these salt particles are then swapped without changing their current oxidation states.

Another chemical reaction is the redox reaction. In this particular chemical reaction, the oxidant or the reactant will have its oxidation state lowered. On the other hand, the other reactant known as the reductant will improve in oxidation state. The absolute outcome of this combination is the exchange of the electrons found in the two components.

Lewis Reactions

If an Inorganic Chemistry reactant is abundant with hydrogen atoms, you can expect that reactant to yield a reaction by exchanging the protons that you can find in the acid base chemistry of the compound. In other words, the acid may be considered as a type of substance that can bind to electron pairs. The electron pair, when combined, is widely known as the Lewis acid. On the other hand, the molecules that will be donated to a pair of electrons are known as the Lewis base. To further support the premises for these interactions, the theories consider the size of the ions and the polarizability of the ions.

You can find the inorganic compounds in the minerals as well. The soil may more likely contain iron sulfide derivatives in the form of pyrites. The resultant compounds may yield gypsum or calcium sulfate as well. In other settings, the compounds may be found in the form of biomolecules - biological energy forms, electrolytes, and DNA.

About the Author: Timur Karipov is an expert when it comes to free ebooks. You can learn more about chemistry in a free pdf ebook "Inorganic Chemistry". You can also find other free online books on his website

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