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The following article was published in our article directory on March 25, 2013.
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Empowered Racers Are Best Fit To Make Money Online

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Pascal 'Empower' Clayson


Are you an Empowered Racer? If you fit in one or more of the following profile picture with a specific set of needs, wants and desires, then you have found the right team to work with and to make money online, as an alternative for your job or with a decent, honest and wealthy second income. Welcome to the Abundance team of Empowered Racers.

Let�s see, If you are an Empowered Racer wanting to make money online, you will recognize yourself in this:

- You are Young or Young in mind as in fresh, openminded, willing and excited, future oriented, as young as between 25 and 35, and when older or younger having the same spirit as that age where the world lies open, the future is still to come and possibilties are all over the place when making money online (mind you, I know famous people that have this spirit at their 102th year of birthday, like Oscar Niemeyer).

- You have a �Male energy�, if you are female you understand the principle to be and belong to the community to be one of the boys, not playing the sex and differences card but seeing the fact that we are all humans

- You are Western English minded as in USA, Canada, UK, Australia, NewZealand but also Europe, Latin-America and all cities around the world with love for American entrepreneurism, especially when making money online.

- You are working but want more freedom, more self sufficiency. You may or may not dislike the work you do but you feel not fitting in large corporations, not fitting anymore in the job scheme and the suffocating 9 to 5 jobs. You are looking for something where you can be individual, free, do what you like, earn money AND be helping and sharing with the world at the same time. You don�t have time to make products, so you love to become a franchise from a bestseller, and you even love it more to have 100% and leveraged commissions.

- You are a beginner, looking on the internet to make money online, you see a lot of opportunities. They all look like scam, fraud, too good to be true, chicken with golden eggs, golden mountains, fabulous like in fabels of King Midas touching everything in gold that he touches, or not trustworthy. You saw the story of Dave & Dave and you finally found something to believe in, to belong too, to trust, to follow, to apply, to be trained, to have insights in the secrets of the industry yourself so you can sell your own products beside the franchised training products. You are a beginner and you love the formula that is explained here.

- You are a starter in Empower Network and not getting help you want. Your sponsor doesn�t call or help you. He is too busy, too high too far on the stairway of earning commissions. Empowered Racers help beginners in their Empower career. We share our experience. We help when it is applied immediately by our sponsees, and not rejected or not followed through.

- You are an affiliate or MLM marketer that has problems with the tiny commissions of other networks. You have heard of Empower. You see a lot of fuzz, buzz and propaganda. But you need honest reviews, guidance and insights. Once member and blogging, Empowered Racers give advice and guidance. They are available, if the person that questions is having the following character traits�
Concerning your character you have character defects when making money online, but in deciding to act or act not on them you always come back to choose for the right side, that is:

- You are or you always end up being sensitive for the right motives when making money online (e.g. learning), a higher purpose (e.g. to help others), and specific and realistic goals (e.g. making futures present). You (want to) see the world as abundant, prosperous. For you the glass is half full. You do your best and you know what is your part and your responsibilities to achieve results when making money online.

- You sense the needs of others when making money online. You aim to be empathetic. You search to be giving, sharing, loving, caring, helping, considerate, humble, kind and patient and that�s how you end up being paid and making money online. Maybe you are not succeeding at this, but you AIM for it. You are aware that this is bringing more wealth on the long term.

- You are disciplined. You are structural. You love step by step overviews that teach
you how to make money online. You love practical handson tips, tricks, insights and practical processes to make money online. You like the science of getting rich of Wattles. The fact that having a right mindset, following proven steps from rich earners are leading you without any doubt to the same path and results as they once did. If you lack this quality, you go look for mentors, coaches and guidance to help you with this, especially if they make a lot of money online already.

- You take decisions when needed, and after checking it you do it handson, with the less effort, time and energy possible, concentrated, focused. You set your boundaries on a assertive and kind way when making money online. You make the decisions that are healthy, wealthy and lasting. But you don�t hesitate when you see the opportunities that your leaders give you. You decide. And if you lack this quality you AIM for it, you work towards it to achieve your goal to make money online.

- You are a good listener. Listening, as in consultative selling. You listen to the needs of the client, trying to help solve the clients needs. You listen and then you offer the right offers. You try to find out what moves your clients, what are their problems, needs and wants. You love to train, read and follow internet marketing techniques, sales techniques and you love to apply new social media marketing techniques. You thrive on results. You just shout of pleasure when new results are made in the process of making money online.

- You are Entrepreneural as in risk taking and seeing opportunities in the making money online business, wanting to try out new things. You are excited for the future. You are innovative, creative, fast learning, applying, experimenting, considering different options, curious. This quality is very present and obvious in every Empowered Racer. Otherwise you wouldn�t even be reading this, let alone considering this. Keep on reading.Last but not least you are dead serious about your making money online business, you don�t give up. You are committed. You focus. You don�t go off your path. You go all the way. You are all in. You EXPERIENCE what has been teached, and after that experience you decide to make more money online.



Old rebels for me are:

- Literally Old, grumpy, and old in mind as in sarcastic, ironic, critizing, singing the old times blues where it was all better, critizing from the sidelines (mind you, I know old rebels of 21 years that make nuances of everything, rebel against everything the mentors are saying, it�s about your mindset).

- For the gender stuff, you are males and females playing the sex card, imposing on other to feel different, with no connection to us being all being human. Not connecting. But separating. Playing the conflict and polarizing card.

- You are people against the Western way of thinking about freedom. I respect you, but I�d rather prefer not to have you on our team. I like freedom and to be and freedom of speech.

- You decide to act and stay acting in the following character defects. Which we all have sometimes, I must admit, but if you choose to act upon them daily, you are an old rebel. So if you have the following motives, which can happen, but if you also ACT on them, you are an old grumpy rebel. If you act on them once and a while and then switch back you are an Empowered racer making money online in a sustained way.

Old rebels, your motives are self centered, focused on lower material purposes when making money online. You only can think in terms of �me, myself and I�. If you are living in the past where everything was better. If you are grumping, grinding and complaining about others or things not working when making money online, and if you just can�t stand others critizing you or considering an attack if someone tries to help you to make money online. If you just can�t see your own part in your unmanageability in your life.

- You can�t possibly think or feel what others think, feel or want. You want only one thing and that is applause, filling your pockets in the process of making money online, and that asap, and you want only to help yourselve. It�s fine to me, but I prefer Empowered Racers.

- You are completely undisciplined in the field of making money online. You jump from one new buzz to the other. You leave it when the online money business doesn�t give results in 3 days and jump on the other train. Again: if you do this in the beginning of your Internet marketing career it�s no problem, it�s about what you learn, and old rebels never seem to learn. You continue your way complaining about the last failure in making money (or loosing money online).

- You literally can�t decide sometimes. You even want others to decide for you what to do when making money online, and if others do, you begin immediately to critize based on your 100% self centered motives, see bullet one.

- Your image is one of entrepreneurism, but you are acting to get in and to get out of the online making money business as rich and as soon asap. You want to hit the jackpot and leave. That�s not entrepreuneuring. That�s playing the lottery.
Last but not least. Old rebels are not serious about their business. You want the easy and fast and non labour way of earning money online.

- You see only the product of Empower to be sold, not to be bought, preferrably via ready made 3rd party systems instead of learning, applying and sharing what you can learn yourselves in a blog and training behind a blog like this.

- Old rebels don�t even write blogs, they let them write, or they just sell � the products� to become rich fast.

* A note on becoming rich: that�s completely fine for me. Even super fine for me. It�s without a doubt a very powerful motive. I honestly want to get wealthy too, but I have my higher purpose to help my partner, family, friends and people in need in Brazil where I will live at the end of this year, so help me my Higher Empower.

Pascal �Empowered� Clayson

PS: For the Empowerd Racers (to be, and to become) I have an offer you can�t refuse. For just 25USD (franchised) you can join our team where we look for you to join us to make each other stronger and faster and growing our community. My direct sponsor and recruiter is one of the founder of this Network, Dave Wood. So you are in good company
: )

PS: Stop what you�re thinking and doing. You want to make money online. You dream of making money online. You are crazy to make money online. You are excited to make money online. So stop! I remember when I was at your situation. Hesitating. Thinking it all over. Excited! Decide. Click on the link. Give your best email. Watch the video�. and enjoy your new life.

PS3: Heck you want to be part of our community, you can be part now� if you click here and go for it, be that best Empowered Racer. Enjoy now

About the Author: Pascal 'Empower' Clayson is an expert when it comes to make money online in Empower Network. To find out everything about working from home and making serious money, visit his website at Clayson On Empower Network .

Keywords: make money online, make money from home online, make money blogging, make serious money blogging, lucrative home money making system

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