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The following article was published in our article directory on March 23, 2013.
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Portraying the right mindset keeps your perspective

Article Category: Marketing

Author Name: David Thompson

Keeping it all in perspective keeps it real...

Having the correct perspective about life keeps you grounded.Did you ever stop to think what type of mindset you have all the time? What are you thinking right now? Are you happy?Is life fair?Do you feel a sensation of gratitude for all that you have? Your brain absorbs millions of pieces of new data each day, how are you processing these?It is critical that you maintain a proper perspective on life so you stay focused and balanced on who you are, what you want and where you are headed? Everyone of us has opinions and a point of view about all things that happen in life. The right perspective will maintain you on course because if you begin to do a comparison game you will always find some better and some worse. You will never win with that mindset.

The correct perspective speaks volumes about who you are...

If you observe successful people, one of the key things you will notice is that they have a great perspective about what they have to achieve because they have worked at building a positive mindset. If you read the books of high achieving people or great leaders they definitely all mention how important it is to create a positive mindset because whatever you do in this world there will be hard times and challenges. A developed mindset is essential to keep the proper perspective, especially when things are tough. All inspiring leaders and champions in sport will tell you that they needed their mindset to visualize the outcome of winning or being successful.Maintaining it in perspective when things are on the downside allows you to stay on top of whatever game you are in.

What are you programming into your mind?

Do you have a growth mindset? Are you thinking about on the right outcome? Do you argue and whine about everything that occurs or do you envision yourself in charge?If you desire to be successful in anything you need a positive mindset and you need to put all things in perspective or else you will get swallowed up by the negativity that is all around you. There is a giant wave of information that you must swim through each day to reach your goals. Here is an example of the right perspective. I live in Canada and in 1998 where I was living we had a really bad ice storm that crashed down thousands of power lines and millions of people lost power for 16 days in January. I operated a farm at the time and we had to climb up on the buildings and take the thick ice off. A bit treacherous but we managed. The perspective when we were in it was one of difficulty and despair. But in reality it was a major inconvenience, that's all. Our houses were safe and life continued. We could have blown this out of perspective and played it up emotionally but in comparison to the people who endure hurricanes and tornadoes it was nothing. The perspective for them is real death and desolation. You need to maintain the perspective in your life.

Have you ever heard that "Perception is Reality"?

You have the capability to make up in your mind whatever you want. Ten people looking at the same thing and having experienced whatever happend will give you ten different outcomes of what was real to them. Some of you are naturally negative and some of you are positive. This difference in mindset will change any result. Champions see themselves crossing the finish line first. Losers are making up their excuses before they even begin.Having the proper mindset will always affect your perspective and unless you are in Los Angeles earning a living from making up stories, you better start to get real. That six inches of real estate between your ears will determine the result of your life. Pay attention to what you are feeding it.

Ahhh! Living in your world with a millionaire mindset...

Do you want to have success beyond your craziest dreams? Do you want to live your life by design or default? Do you want to have the time financial freedom in all areas of your life to do what you want, when you want and who you choose to do it with? Then take a look at the scientific studies and you will see that one of the most powerful things to work at is the mindset. Look who is operating and building the mega companies.MBA's and PHD's. Not a chance. The real visionaries in the world are the ones with the proper mindset and the proper perspective. Do you think intelligence would have got Michael Jordan past all those missed shots to go on to become one of the greatest basketball player the world has ever witnessed.No algorithms, no formulas, just hard work, practice,practice,practice and having the mindset with a powerful vision of the chosen outcome. A millionaire mindset is not just about making the money, it is the complete mindset belief that you will achieve success at whatever you are doing. Anything is possible with the right mindset.

Success is yours to discover...imagine!

About the Author: Serial marketing entrepreneur. Golfer. Love to travel. Published author. Lifestyle/mentoring coach. Tai chi. To find out more about
perspective visit my my website. Earn 100% commissions.

Keywords: perspective,perception is reality,positive mindset,point of view,millionaire mindset,growth mindset

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