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The following article was published in our article directory on March 21, 2013.
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My Best Business Coach

Article Category: Business

Author Name: Pascal 'Empower' Clayson

My Best Business Coach – Nisandeh Neta

The best male business coach I know in The Netherlands is Nisandeh Neta. He is a very succesful trainer and makes millions helping solo entrepreneurs becoming 'conscious millionaires'. Through his lessons I release the entrepreneur in me.

I have a job, I am still working in a big company, but with his help I make the steps to become independent, free while making a good income and being responsible and giving. Nisandeh also teached me how to act as an ethical MLM entrepreneur, which gave me hard needed direction and ethical guidance in this MLM business. It applies totally to what I also learn from the ultimate American business coach David Wood, my sponsor in Empower Network.

My story and how I got on Empower: on january 8th of january I got married with my Brazilian partner.This was a long awaited moment. We want to go and live in Brazil. When I was on the airport I almost missed the plane because I was hypnotized by a book named 'The Science Of Getting Rich'. It was written in Portuguese. But it was simple. I read it in the flight back. I was so happy. This was what I wanted. To be fulfilled mentally, physically and spiritually. And to achieve this, to follow a few scientific steps. Among others 'being grateful', think about the end already, take actions, actions and more actions to make it work.

The logical actions to undertake were: find products and training to help myself and other people with their problems. I found this in David Wood from Empower Network, Nisadeh from Open Circles Academy and the downtoearth training from Laura Babeliowsky from Getclientsnow.

Please allow me to proudly introduce you Nisandeh Neta as my best business and success coach in Holland.

And about quotes he has? There are really too many. Where should I start? The very best quote I heard in the last campus training:

"Everything you miss the most, you have to GIVE first. A law of the universe"

Let me have a check if I find more. Ahh, let's see. For his 45th birthday he published 45 lessons. Here comes the video. Listen carefully and please tell the readers in the comment box below what you liked to most from all the 45 lessons. What is it that you learned in your life? You agree that this guys ROCKS!

Here is something to consider. If you like:
- blogging or commenting or sharing
- if you like to become free
- if you like to work from home
- if you like to help others
- if you like to lift up others
- if you like to make a change in the world
- if you like to learn
- if you like to belong to something higher
- if you want purpose in your life
- if you want to change your self limiting belief system
- if you want to open your mind
- if you want motivation
- if you want inspiration
- if you want to belong to a community
- if you want to earn while you share about what you learn
- if you want the best for yourself, your family and your partner...

... then you might want to make part of a movement that is called Empower network, where we like to Empower you. Where you have to do a honest job of sharing what you know. In order to leverage, help and support your team to help them succeed.

Where we don't work on "getrichquick" schemes without doing nothing. Where your voice makes the difference. Where sharing your voice on your readymade blog can make the difference for others and for yourself. Where sharing your voice on this blog stops making money for the social media companies.

If you want all this....

Enjoy Empower Network. Enjoy our team. Enjoy our movement.

PS: Want to know more about our founders? Click here. It's an mazing story.

PS: Want to know more about opportunities and stories of other real life people. Check if we are serious, honest and reliable here.

PS: Heck, if you want to join without video's and be welcomed by me quickly, click here. Welcome where you can belong!

About the Author: Pascal 'Empower' Clayson is an expert when it comes to making money online. To find out everything about IM/MLM/SEO, visit his website at Empower Clayson Blog.

Keywords: business coaching, making money online, working from home, honest MLM, honest IM, honest AM

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