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The following article was published in our article directory on March 13, 2013.
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Have you seen Bullying in the Workplace?

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Judith Munson

There are no 100% correct answers, however when a lot of individuals witness bullying in the work environment, they generally ignore it and do not do anything about it. The majority of individuals will just keep their mouths shut. This makes the individual being bullied feel simply that much even worse about what is happening.

So, rather of overlooking it and hoping it will all go away, (it never does) there is something you could do when you witness workplace bullying which is to speak out and inform the appropriate authorities!

Research does reveal that even though 95 % of co-workers know when somebody is being verbally mistreated, daunted or bullied, just about 8 % of them really did something about it. 28 % of these witnesses sympathized with what was occurring and offered some sort of moral support to the target. The remainder of them did definitely nothing at all or, if you can believe it, agreed the bully!

Why is it that many individuals don't do anything when they see bullying happening?

The biggest reason we've found for this inaction on the part of the witnesses is simply, concern. As much as we hate to see others get hurt, we typically have thoughts like, "I'm pleased it's not me." Witnesses are frequently afraid that talking up may turn them into a target and, they are normally.

It is a real possibility due to the fact that, barely anyone who witnesses any kind of workplace bullying first hand desires to take the bull (bully) by the horns and discuss it with their supervisor or report it to the appropriate authorities.

Simply remember this though, if you do absolutely nothing, you can be thought about an accomplice to the bully. So please, say something to somebody, even if it's simply a couple of words of support to the individual that is being victimized.

Below is a very interesting case history that we discovered.

Physicians are often seen bullying those around them especially in the operating room. In light of this, nurses all over the world have developed exactly what is called a "Code Pink." Below's how it works, if a doctor starts bullying a nurse, other registered nurses in the locality will form a circle around them.

They will also show assertive body language and stare at the physician till he recognizes that his behavior isn't really appropriate. This is a sturdy means of stating that no one will tolerate bullying, and it frequently sends such a convincing message to the individual doing the bullying that it prevents it from taking place again.

If it is obvious that bullying is going on where you work, please do something. You can effectively be saving the wellness or even the life of the individual getting bullied, it's that crucial! |.

Not sure if you are seeing bullying where you work? Visit http://workplace-bully for the free e-book "Recognizing The Traits Of A Workplace Bully." There you will find all the attributes of workplace bullying.

About the Author: Judith's latest book, "Alligators In The Water Cooler, a Guide to Identifying Bullies and Their Buddies in the Workplace" is part of her campaign against workplace bullying, workplace intimidation and all other types of abuses found inside the workplace.

Keywords: workplace bully, workplace bullying, workplace intimidation, workplace verbal abuse, workplace harassment

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