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The following article was published in our article directory on March 8, 2013.
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How to Grow Weed Indoors

Article Category: Medicines and Remedies

Author Name: Mr Gator

How to Grow Weed Indoors
If you want to know how to grow weed indoors for the fun of it, be prepared to met by quite a bit of tricky stuff you'll need to learn before you get right down to business. There's a whole science to growing marijuana plants. Nurturing and harvesting top quality weed can take a lot of time and work, but as you probably already know, the payoff is well worth the efforts.
Growing Marijuana at Home
First of all, keep it to yourself. No matter how proud you are of your weed, there's no need to go around talking about it. Best ways of how to grow weed indoors may seem like an ok thing to discuss in your group of friends, but those conversations can come back to bite you.
The way a plant will grow indoors depends a lot on how well you deal with every stage of the process, and marijuana is no exception to that rule. If you're learning how to grow weed indoors to roll a joint you can be proud of, you better get it right from the very first step.
Start by thoroughly cleaning the place where you'll be growing home grown weed, and make sure that your hands are clean. The tools that you're going to use need to be spotless as well. Bacteria or traces of tobacco can significantly hurt the quality of marijuana you'll produce, so take the necessary precautions.
We'll assume that you already got the best cannabis seeds you could get your hands on, so kick this off by putting them in a glass filled with distilled water. People who know how to grow weed indoors let them soak for about 24 to 36 hours. At this stage the seeds will also need darkness and warmth, so make sure to give them that.
Now we're moving on to actually planting the seeds into the soil that you've prepared inside neat little cups. Quality seeds and soil will produce quality weed, so don't be afraid to be picky when you first consider the prospects of growing your own weed.
At this point, the marijuana plants are going to need light, so set up some grow lighting above it. Whether you use a timer or do it manually, make sure that your marijuana plants see light for two thirds of the day, but stay in the dark for the rest of it. Also, do not change the schedule once you've established it to avoid putting the plants under stress.
As for watering, the soil doesn't need to be too wet, just moist enough. A couple of days later you will see your cannabis seeds sprout, and the following weeks will gift you with the beginnings of beautiful marijuana leaves. As soon as the plants start looking healthy and strong, move them to a larger container, where they will spend their days until being harvested.
To stay on top of things while your plants are increasing in size, here are some general guidelines on how to grow weed indoors at this stage:
• Keep the temperature between 74 and 84 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and slightly lower at night.
• Ensure that the room stays in the range of 40% to 60% humidity.
• Only water them when the soil dries up.
• Supply fresh air to the room, but see that it doesn't get windy in there.
Once the result of your hard work manifests itself as a 20-inch long, green, healthy plant, it's time to go 50-50 on the lights (12 hours on and 12 hours off, as in complete darkness). That's how you signal that it's time for flowering.
Applying a fertilizer is a good idea, but don't overdo it as too much water or fertilizers will kill your plants. Well, they may survive, but your dream to grow homegrown weed that's actually good will be done for.
It looks like you've finally reached the end of the road, but remind yourself to be patient. If you've been successful on every stage so far, you better not mess it up by harvesting too early.
You're obviously eager to roll the first joint, but proper timing will make a huge difference in quality. Only begin when more than half of the pistils on the plants are visibly brown and you will have top of the line marijuana on your hands. And that's how you grow weed indoors!

About the Author: Everything About Weed has lots to offer when it comes to weed & marijuana topics. Such as How to Grow Weed Indoors. Plus lots of articles on to How to Grow Weed Indoors, visit

Keywords: How to Grow Weed Indoors, grow weed ,Growing Marijuana at Home ,growing home grown weed

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