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The following article was published in our article directory on January 28, 2013.
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What exactly is 5s?

Article Category: Business Management

Author Name: Chris Burnham

What is exactly is 5s?

This question commonly comes after I answer "Exactly how do I implement a Lean Manufacturing Program?" The solution to this question is to target starting a fruitful 5s policy. Basically, 5s is a system to organize your place of work for efficiency and effectiveness. It has five different stages: sorting, straighten or set in order, systemic cleaning, standardizing, and sustaining.

The first step in your 5s Program is to sort what you need to accomplish your tasks away from what is not needed and is in the way. The most effective method to go about an effective sort program is to focus on one area of your workplace. Clean out all the items that are not needed and dispose of them properly or recycle them. If ever you are not sure if you will need that item, ask the expert for that area. If he or she is unsure, set apart a specified area for those items away from the work space. Leave them there for a week or so and if they are still not used then discard of them properly.

Set in order/Straighten
This is the second step of your system and builds off what your organization accomplished in the sorting phase. The concept concerning this phase is "A place for everything and everything in it's place." There is no limit to just how resourceful you can be in this phase. Listed here are some common hacks that I have seen people successfully use in this phase:.
- Putting tape down on the floor to note where items and furniture belong.
- Employ a label maker to label containers or shelves so as to explain where items belong.
- Put an item outside of the box where things are kept so you can match the item to it's home.
- Produce shadow-boards for tools that outline the shape of the tool so you can spot that one is missing and recognize where it belongs.

There's very little that you can write to explain to someone the ways to clean. The most suitable insight I would give related to this part is to think "white-glove" cleaning. Wipe down all the horizontal surfaces for dust and grime. If you make an effort to clean everyday, this task is not as industrious as the first time you perform a deep clean. You may work in a setting that gets messy easily or has machinery. When cleaning, consider what may be causing the grime and determine the root cause of the uncleanliness. This can go along way in supporting a a Total Preventative Maintenance (TPM) program in your workplace.

Checklists, checklists, checklists !!! Establish a checklist or to-do list to summarize all of the things that should be done regularly in order to keep things as they should be. Visual aids including establishing pictures of what the area should look like including where things belong can help here. From the shop floor to the executive conference room, think of the things that should be done to sustain a high degree of excellence in your 5S program.

Your unit has committed a great deal of effort in order to get things to they way they should be or heading in that direction. In order to hold your gains you should conduct frequent 5S audits. The audits must not only be the front line supervisors in that area, upper management must get involved to display a commitment to the program. At one of the facilities I've worked at, the site executive team went and audited an area of the facility by random drawing at assorted times in the course of the week. Also included in the drawing were the names of the executives. If the exec's name was drawn they could decide upon an area of the business they wanted the entire executive team to audit. More often than not, this was a chance for the leader to showcase the gains and successes their team had accomplished in their area of the business.

Why is 5s relevant?
5S isn't just about phases, it's about empowering employees to control their work area and creating a setting that they would like to work in everyday. It's a program that only works with grass roots level involvement, and can never be a "flavor of the month" program. If you are committed to safety then you need to be equally dedicated to 5s to provide your team a safe place to work.

The disciplines that your team learns from successfully implementing 5s will help allow your team to perform kaizen events with greater frequency and greater results. It will also enable you to observe where waste is occurring and focus your kaizen in those areas.

Progress over perfection! Get started today.

About the Author: For more information about 5s or to find Tips for a Successful 5s Event Go to Chris Burnham's blog 5s Made Easy. Chris Burnham is an expert when it comes to 5s & Lean Manufacturing.

Keywords: 5s, 5s Audit, Lean Manufacturing, Lean Implementation, Lean Six Sigma

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