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The following article was published in our article directory on December 18, 2012.
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From Home Work – Money, Rich, Controversy "Apple: Risk Outweighs Reward – Time to Sell"

Article Category: Business

Author Name: Ken Poirot

So you want to work from home, make money, and get rich? This is the fantasy of many of us – to have the time and freedom to do whatever we want. Time is the one commodity we can never get more of and none of us knows how much time we have. It is so important to be able to spend your time as you see fit – with friends and family.

Many people have the goal of being able to work from home, spend more time with loved ones, make money, and get rich, but few achieve this dream. You need the right training and blueprint in order to achieve this dream and the right team behind you. This is what I have found with the network I joined.

In addition to having a plan to make money and get rich while you work from home, there is another benefit. I personally find it rewarding to be able to publish whatever I want on whatever subject I choose.

So what does this all have to do with the part of the title, "Apple Risk Outweighs Reward – Time to Sell"? As many of you know I was writing for the Motley Fool under the pen name Riese Jones. This was the last article I published with the Motley Fool – mainly because after all my hard work they chose not to distribute my article. After that I was done writing for some one else and I chose to write for myself here on my own blog.

It would have been best if this article had been published. At the time Apple stock did reach the $700+ price target I had stated in my previous article and as we have seen it has plunged precipitously since. I also recommended to Buy Nokia in my article instead – and in fact, Nokia has risen significantly. I realized I would never be able to work from home, make money, and get rich from the Motley Fool – especially if they did not distribute my writing . See some of my comments below in reference to what I wrote on September 18th of this year, 2012:

From Home Work – Money, Rich, Controversy: Apple Expectation are Stretched Like a Rubber Band and Ready to Snap Back – September 18th

"Psychology is an interesting phenomenon with regard to investing. Market forces
are often not aligned in fact, but more often in fantasy. Like a rubber band stretched too far from reality, eventually it snaps back to its relaxed state. A state more in line with the true value of a company's stock rather than the stretched valuation pushed and pulled, requiring ever increasing force to exert new highs and keep a company's stock at a lofty value.

I can already see the comments and e-mails from die hard Apple fanatics bashing this
post and cursing my comments. Do not forget – I also predicted Apple would push past $700. At the time of my post, Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) was trading around $650 (the day I submitted my article to my editor for syndication, not the day of my edits and final publication). Albeit, Apple was still well below $700 on the day my prognostication was officially syndicated and published."

If you want to truly get rich, make money, and work from home – you have to take control of your own destinyact to have the outcome you choose – which is what I did here – saying good bye good bye to the Motley Fool and having my own blog instead.

Below are some of my comments with regard to Nokia from the same article:

From Home Work – Money, Rich, Controversy: Buy Nokia and Sell Apple – Stated on September 18th – Link to the Article Below

"If you want to make a similar play based upon psychology and investor expectations, and if you desire to stay in the mobile phone space – look at Nokia (NYSE: NOK). Nokia recently unveiled its Lumia, its Microsoft Windows 8 smartphone, which will go on sale later this year. It will not take long for Nokia, partnered with Microsoft, to catch up to Apple with regard to technology if it has not done so already with this new upcoming product launch (it will probably never catch Apple on sales).

The lackluster reception to the new Lumia when it was unveiled means there are very LOW EXPECTATIONS for Nokia moving forward with Lumia sales and their future. If Nokia does not do well with their Lumia phone or with future smartphone product launches, the stock will continue to languish at current levels – negative EXPECTATIONS are already built into the stock price. If there is a
positive surprise, or if Nokia has future products that reclaim some of their previous market share (they once owned 40% of the cell phone market back in 2008), then Nokia stock will experience a nice upward bump based upon exceeding LOW EXPECTATIONS.

Incidentally,Windows based smartphones command only a 2.7% market share versus a 64.1% market share for Android based smartphones and a 18.8% market share for iOS (Apple) based smartphones (Source: Gartner August 2012). This means Windows based smartphones do not have much downside potential but a great deal of upside potential.

Additionally, as of the writing of this post, Nokia is trading around $2.90 a share, BELOW its book value and its P/S ratio is 0.25. In contrast, Apple with its current share price of almost $702 has a book value of approximately $119 and a P/S ratio of 4.41. A move for Nokia stock above $5, which I believe will be achieved within the next year, will mean a 70%+ gain for Nokia shareholders from this current level. Do you really see Apple stock delivering a 70%+ gain in the next 12 months – meaning Apple would have to trade North of $1205 a share? If you want to play this space – Nokia has the better upside potential with a fraction of the downside risk."

If you wish to review the original article I published, go to my web site for the link to, "Apple: Risk Outweighs Reward Time to Sell".

It is most enjoyable to be able to write your own opinions and not depend on an editors opinion in order to syndicate or publish your work.

I encourage you to pursue your dreams. You can work from home, make money, and get rich eventually – it just takes time.

Put your future in your hands and make it happen – make money, be happy, have the time for loved ones, do what you choose, work from home, and some day you will find you have become rich – both in time and money.

Start today...what are you waiting for? The hardest part of every journey is the first step. Take the first step toward your dream – work from home, make money, and get rich over time.

Go to my web site.

Click on one of the banners on the top, right, or bottom of the page on my web site, Watch the video, and Join.

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You will be glad you did.

About the Author: Ken Poirot is a seasoned successful businessman best jobs, work, total jobs. To find out more about Ken Poirot and the best jobs, work, and total jobs for your dream quality of life - click on the link above in this description. Or visit

Keywords: Apple, Apple stock, from home, get rich, make money, money, rich, work, work from home, Nokia, Nokia stock

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